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         Harry noticed her. How could he not? She was stunning, intriguing, fascinating. She would laugh every so often with Chelsea - the bride. He wasn't sure how she knew her, were they friends? Relatives? Chelsea's husband Liam worked for him so he knew she wasn't someone from Liam's work or anything.

She was beautiful, her eyes dark but still so bright and open. She listened intently to Chelsea before replying, often with a cheeky smile or a sip of her champagne. Harry watched as Chelsea gave her another hug before moving on to speak with someone else, he watched her stand awkwardly as she adjusted her yellow skirt and drank some more before a guy approached her.

Of course she has a boyfriend. Harry thought to himself. A woman like her can't be single.

But as he watched on, he read her body language. Noticed that she wasn't entirely comfortable with him, she'd frown and sigh heavily every so often. This wasn't someone she was with, and if it was it wasn't someone she was happy with.

Rosie sighed as she watched Aidan walk away, they were together for a little over a year and she once upon a time thought she loved him. Until he decided one day that he didn't love her anymore, he took the stuff from her place and never looked back. He never gave her an appropriate reason, it was just that he didn't feel that way about her anymore. He got bored.

For a while she thought it was her fault, she thought she was boring, pointless, ugly. But after going through all degrees of separation she came to realise that it was in fact his loss, not hers. Not everyone you lose is a loss. Aidan was a life lesson, and that was it. She wasn't going to marry him, she always knew that. So why be heartbroken over someone you know you don't want to be with forever?

She had anticipated seeing him, he's a good friend of Liam's. she had managed to avoid him all evening, but they were bound to speak at some point. It had been six months since they broke up, and she felt happy enough in herself to say she was over him.

Rosie was a little surprised when she was tapped on the shoulder. She knew basically nearly everyone here at her cousin's wedding.

"Sorry to disturb," Harry smiled politely.

Rosie was a little dazed. Her was beautiful. He had on a suit she could tell was expensive showing a white crisp shirt underneath it.

"No, you're not disturbing anything," She inwardly cringed hoping she didn't sound too eager.

"Good, I just wanted to introduce myself."

"Oh," She wasn't ever really hit on, if she was being hit on right now that is. It was usually her best friend Bella who caught all the male attention, Rosie always felt like she was in the background.

"I'm Harry," He offers his hand.

She takes it and shakes it gently, still in a daze at the fact he was even breathing her air. "Rose but everyone calls me Rosie."

"Rosie," He repeats her name with a smile, he liked her name and she liked the way he said it.

"So how do you know Chelsea and Liam?" Rosie asks, sipping her drink.

"Liam works for me,"

Rosie couldn't hide the fact that she was surprised that he was Liam's boss, he didn't look old enough to run a company. He barely looked much older than her.

"And you?"

"Chelsea's my cousin."

Harry smiles. He knew she had to be on that side.

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