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"Everything looks all good here," The midwife smiled scanning over Rosie's stomach. "Baby seems to be growing, healthy and developing at all the right stages."

Rosie smiled at Harry as he squeezed her hand. He had skipped the first lot of interviews but he trusted those in charge to interview properly in his absence.

"Can we find out.."

"At the moment they're in a bit of an awkward position but I'll schedule you in for four weeks time to have a check up and a gender reveal."

"Perfect, thank you."

"No problem," She hands Rosie some tissue to wipe her stomach while she prints off the next set of scan pictures.

"What do you want?" Rosie asks as she and Harry ate lunch, he had prepared them a cheese salad with french baguette. He should really be heading to work, but he wanted to spend a little more time with Rosie.

"Boy or girl, I'll be happy." He shrugs.

Rosie rolls her eyes. "Harry. It's just me, be honest."

"I want both for different reasons."

"But which more,"

"I don't mind, honest. As long as their happy and healthy." He frowned. "Why, what do you want?"

Rosie shrugged. "I feel it would be nice to have a girl to dress in pretty dresses and give her my makeup tips when she's older. But with a boy, I'd love to be a football mum and for a mini you, he would so obviously favour you over me."

Harry rolled his eyes. "No he wouldn't, you're going to be an incredible mum."

She craddles her bump with her arm. "I hope so."

Rosie had tried to get in contact with Bella for a week now. Ever since their lunch Bella hadn't messaged or called. She had wanted to tell her the news about her pregnancy since their lunch but because of what Bella disclosed it wasn't the time to talk about her. Then when she went on monday to the scan all she wanted to do was tell Bella about it.

It was Friday now, and she hadn't heard a thing. So, even though Harry said no, Rosie went round to Jonathan's place.

When he opened the door he wasn't expecting her at all, and she knew that. Their home was extravagant and showed they had money - Jonathan had money. It screamed show off, everything Rosie hated.

"Is she here?" She asked stepping in.

"Hmm?" He backed away, allowing her entrance. She left the door slightly open not stupid enough to close it completely. She noticed a security camera up in the top left corner so she quickly positioned herself in sight of it in case anything did occur.

"Bella? Your girlfriend, punching bag, woman who lives here?"

He crossed his arms, trying to intimidate her but he didn't know Rosie. He didn't know that she didn't fear him, she wasn't Bella.

"She moved out. She didn't tell you?"

"Oh, she told me. She told me when she told me about you slapping her about last week at lunch. But I also know that she hasn't been answering me which means she's back here. When you're on the scene she doesn't respond."

"And you're here why?"

"Because I want to see her, check she's okay. She's been avoiding me for a week and I want to know why, I mean you could have done anything to her in a week."

Jonathan shakes his head, a smug look on his face. "I don't know what sort of monster she's painted me as to you, or what you think of me but whatever she's told you is a lie."

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