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- 7 weeks later -

(11 weeks pregnant).

Rosie was agitated. Every food she had liked before becoming pregnant was foreign to her. She couldn't remember the last time she ate something and enjoyed it. The baby had sucked all of her goodness from her making her look pale and she had had terrible morning sickness the last three weeks. She thought she had been lucky and skipped it as she had read about morning sickness a lot. But one morning at five am it was brought upon her and hasn't yet left.

She hadn't had any cravings which annoyed her - because then at least she would be able to eat something and like it. Her nose was extremely sensitive and certain foods that she ate before now repulsed her.

Harry had handled it well, it frustrated him sometimes that he'd cook dinner then she'd push it away and get something else, but he knew it wasn't because she was being picky it was all to do with the baby and her hormones.

She hadn't had the mood swings or terribly emotional phase yet, she had remained quite level headed throughout, but when she wanted to cry she really cried.

"My scan is on Monday at nine am.. Are you able to come with me to it?" Rosie asked Harry over breakfast. It was her twelve week scan on monday, then after that she was able to tell the world - not that she wanted to.

"I've got interviews for my new PA job, but I'll try to spread and rearrange them. I completely forgot, I'm sorry. I'll sort it,"

Rosie was quiet, these sort of things wouldn't usually get to her but with the hormones and everything else going on Harry forgetting such an important thing to her did annoy her.

"Hey," He spoke softly making her look up. She looked up briefly, continuing to take interest in her fruit. "I'll sort it okay? Promise,"

She forced a smile, both of them knew it was fake but it was either fake a smile or argue.

Harry headed straight to work after breakfast and Rosie went to her home office and worked until 11:30. She then changed and drove to Soho to meet Bella for lunch.

They hadn't met in a few weeks, and Rosie had decided today would be the day she tells Bella about her pregnancy - she had been bursting to tell her ever since she found out but she managed to keep it quiet, dodge the 'let's meet for cocktails' conversations and laugh it off when Bella noticed she didn't order prosecco when they had dinner together.

"How have you been?" Bella asks, a little spring in her step.

"Really good," Rosie smiles. "What about you?"

They sit and chat for a little while, waiting for their food. Rosie noticed Bella's phone had been ringing a lot during their lunch and she had ignored it each time until eventually she placed it in her bag. Rosie didn't mention it, but she definitely noticed.

"I finished things with Jonathan." Bella announced.

Rosie didn't know what to say, she didn't like him but it didn't mean she wanted Bella unhappy.

Bella took a deep breath. "He hit me,"

Rosie looked up at her, staring into her eyes. "What?"

"We got into an argument. He'd been out the night before and didn't come in until late, the next day I confronted him and yeah." She avoided eye contact with Rosie the entire explanation. "I mean, it was kind of my fault because I brought it up and he was telling me to leave it and I didn't." She shrugged.

Rosie frowned. "It's not your fault at all, in any type of way. If that scumbag hits you it isn't your fault," She seethed.

"Keep your voice down," Bella, the confident, out-going extrovert for the first time ever looked timid and shy.

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