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Elijah is 10, Mila is 8 and Noah is 5.

Rosie wiped her tears as she, Harry, Elijah and Noah applauded. Mila had just finished her two month stint on the West-End. They could barely believe that their little girl had been scouted by an acting agency and given a role on a new play that had had rave reviews from start to finish.

Her role wasn't huge, but it was big enough for her to be noticed. She played a girl called Katie, one of the three sisters of the main characters Lottie.

She had begged Harry and Rosie to go to acting classes since she started school, the school offered it but Mila wanted to go to an established company. Harry put her in to one of the best in London that had produced actors and actresses as famous as Tom Hiddleston and Keira Knightley.

When she was given a role in the acting schools production she was discovered via an agency and the rest is history. Her acting CV was born.

By being on the west end for so long, it meant Harry and Rosie had to manage work and overseeing her and her school work. They were strict on making sure she kept up with education.

"You were fantastic my sweetie," Rosie smiled as Mila links arms with Harry. Noah was holding her hand whilst Elijah followed quietly behind.

"I'm so tired," She yawned. "But so glad I did it!"

"We're very proud of you," Harry kisses her hair. "You did so well and handled it all perfectly."

"Can we go out for dinner?" Mila beams excitedly, her brothers too now on board with this idea.

Rosie shrugs as Harry looks over at her.

"Yeah, you choose tonight Mila,"

"Mum?" Elijah knocked on Rosie's office door. It was nearly 9pm bedtime for all of them.

"Ja, mijn schat?"(Yes, my baby?) She smiles turning round from her computer. She had left Harry to get the kids to bed so she could catch up with some work.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Just one?" She jokes.

They sit on the leather sofa opposite her desk.

"What is it baby?"

"I keep.. I keep getting this weird knotting in my stomach,"

Rosie sits up a little. "Right.."

"Like, it's a strange feeling. I just., feel this knot tighten and I find myself not being able to do things. My friends are starting to call me weird."

Rosie frowns. "Like what?"

He shrugs. "I always turn down party invites."

"How long have you felt like this?"

He shrugs. "Just kind of there,"

"Have you spoken to your dad?"

Elijah shakes his head as he looks down. "I just wanted to talk to you about it,"

"That's fine," She smiles. "It can be between us,"

Elijah had always been close to his mum, he always felt he could confide in her and spill his guts out to her. With his dad the bond was different, he found the relationship harder as he felt he had to fight Noah and Mila for his fathers attention.

"I just don't know what to do, the feeling keeps happening and I hate it."

Rosie brushed the tears from his face. She hated seeing her children cry. "Listen to me,"

He looks up at her.

"I'll get in touch with the right people who can help you, okay?"

He nods, trusting that she would do so.

"And it'll just be us who know?"

"Just us,"

Elijah exhaled. "Am I weird?"

She shook her head. "Far from it, you're perfect being you, anyone who thinks different aren't worth your time."

Elijah hugged her tight. "I love you, mum."

"And I'll forever love you Elijah."

Elijah stood quietly as he listened in on his parents in the kitchen. He knew he shouldn't have, but he couldn't help it once he heard his name being mentioned.

"I spoke to a cognitive behaviour therapist," Rosie spoke.



Harry sighed. "Babe,"

"I think he needs to talk to someone,"

"But does he?"

Elijah frowned.

"Yes, he does. He came to me the other night and I told him I'd sort it out,"

"Why didn't he come to me?"

Rosie was silent. She knew why, but she didn't know how to word it.

"I just think to put him in for some sessions, may do him good."

"He has everything he could ever want in this world." Harry sighed.

"It's not things. It's not materialistic. Anxiety is up here,"

Elijah swallowed hard. He thought she wouldn't tell.

"Okay, but I want to speak with him. I want him to come to me about these things too,"

Elijah quickly ran to his room, feeling a little betrayed but overall confused.

Rosie smiled pouring herself a tea as the children ate their breakfast. Mila and Noah were chatting away but she noticed Elijah had barely touched his toast.

"You two teeth brushed, quick quick." She ordered.

Elijah took another bite, but chewed it half heartedly.

"What's up?" Rosie asked casually.


"I spoke to someone," She lowers her voice.

"I know," He takes another bite as she frowns.

"You told dad. You told him I have anxiety. You promised you wouldn't and you did," He stands up throwing his toast away.


"I'm never trusting you again," He storms out, dodging Harry as he ran upstairs.

"What's happened?"

Rosie brushed her hands over her face. "He must have heard us talking,"

"Do you want me to-"

"No," She shakes her head. "Thanks but  I think this is one for me to handle."

Knocking on Elijah's door Rosie waited a few seconds before walking in. He had just finished combing his hair for school.


Elijah remained silent.

"I don't want you to think you can't trust me, and that isn't the case." She explained. "I didn't tell your dad about our conversation, but I just expressed my concerns to him because he's your dad, we're a team, we're your parents. We do this in our family, we share our problems and find solutions. We love you three so much and all we want to do is make sure you're happy."

Elijah turned to his mum. "I'm sorry,"

"You don't need to apologise, I'm sorry for upsetting you."

He walks into his mums arms and hugs her tight. "I love you, mum."

"I love you too, my big strong boy."

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