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Harry found Vanessa speaking to someone. Without a second thought he grabbed her wrist and pulled her away to somewhere quiet with less people.

"Mr Styles, thought I might be seeing you," Her face was smug.

"Cut the bullshit, what did you say to Rosie?"

"Only what she needed to hear, why? Worried I'd spill your secrets?," She smirks, eyebrow raised.

Harry felt his blood physically boil. Only Vanessa could make him feel this way.

"She didn't need to hear anything from you," He spat.

"Well," Vanessa casually shrugged not phased by his behaviour. "I took it upon myself to tell her some home truths about you. She'll be thanking me soon,"

Harry stepped back trying to remain calm. "You have no right to even be here let alone speak with my girlfriend,"

"Who was there when you were taken into CEO position?" Vanessa smirks. "Oh yeah, me. I was,"

"That was years ago Vanessa."

"And I was there for everything, don't forget that Harry,"

"Stay away from my girlfriend," He points with warning directly in her face. "I'm telling you Vanessa, if you give her one second of grief-"

"I'll leave that down to you to do by yourself Harry, you'll let her down eventually, like all the others along the way, then you'll come crawling back into my bed, just like you did six months ago."

"Rosie is different, completely different."

Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, with Lottie, was that her name? No, Maria, wait-"

"I'm warning you Vanessa. Stay away from my girlfriend."

She stares him dead in the eye to challenge him. "I'll do whatever I shall please,"

"If you go near her-"

"What? What are you going to do?" She smirks.

"You're playing with fire, Vanessa."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I don't need to," He laughs. "If you want to play games, be my guest. But you'll lose. You'll lose every time." Harry walks away, blood still boiling with anger at his encounter with her.

Rosie had taken off all of her makeup the second she got in. She felt sad the night had turned in such a way, but she had to get out of there. Who was she? Harry's ex? A friend of an ex? Did it even matter who she was?

She stepped out of her dress and hung it back on the hanger, sighing as she straightened it out. It was still a nice night - until the last twenty minutes at least.

She changed into her pyjamas and got into bed. It was one of the most comfortable beds in the world.

She texted her mum to let her know how the event went. Excluding information about Vanessa. She then facetimed with Bella to fill her in on everything.

"What a bitch!" She exclaimed.

Rosie laughed at her friends outburst. Bella wasn't the greatest with holding back on her feelings.

"It was a little.. weird."

"She's probably just some jealous ex or whatever,"

"She was really beautiful," Rosie sighs. "Like a model or something, like she just came off London Fashion Week."

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