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Rosie didn't want to, but she had to face Zayn today. She wanted answers as well as some stuff that she had over at his. When she got to his, he was in the kitchen making a drink. She placed his key that he had given her on the side and walked in.

"Hi, drink?" He asked.

It was awkward, very awkward. They hadn't seen each other since she saw him with Vanessa nine days ago, and they hadn't spoken until yesterday when she arranged to get her stuff.

Things with Harry hadn't progressed by miles simply because she wanted some time to herself, although she wasn't heartbroken over Zayn; it didn't mean she would be jumping into another relationship. She also wanted to speak with Harry when she was ready to talk about them.

"I'm good, I'm going out for food in a bit."

He nodded placing his drink down. "Your stuff is on the table." He nodded his head over to the dining table. "You didn't really have a lot here so it only needed one box."

She nodded, feeling weird. When Bella had dropped her things round after she picked them up from Harry's when they broke up Rosie felt utterly distraught. She didn't look at the things for weeks too scared of the memories they may hold. But with Zayn she happily looked in the box. There were no memories in there, just underwear, pyjamas, hairbrush and a spare toothbrush.

"How have you been?" He asks.

"Um, okay. You?"

He sighed. "I've felt like shit."

"Because you cheated on me or because you thought I was cheating on you and you were wrong about it all?"

Zayn was silent.

"I was stupid, it was stupid. The second you left I couldn't help but feel shit. I sent Vanessa home and I just.."

"You realise your mistakes, that's all I ask."

"Can you forgive me?"

She nods, watching as he played with his glass on the table. She could tell he genuinely felt bad and she felt slightly guilty that she didn't care so much. "Of course, we all make mistakes."

"I'm sorry I accused you of cheating."

"I never cheated on you once, all I did was catch up with an old friend. If I thought at any point I was going to get back together with Harry I would have told you first. The fact you didn't approach me on that hurt,"

"After thinking about it all, I think I was just insecure. Any man would be if some multimillionaire was taking their girlfriend out for dinner."

Rosie was quiet, she couldn't argue with that because she knew that was his insecurity. It wasn't something she could say he felt or didn't feel.

"It's sad it ended this way, but I wish you well." She smiled picking up her things.

He nodded, offering her a smile. Although it was over, she still thought he was gorgeous. "You too, Rosie."

"How did it go?" Bella asked over the phone. Rosie had been home a couple of hours and had unpacked the few things from Zayn's before writing up a new column post.

"It was fine, he was fine. He apologised."

"Did you ask how he knew her? Or why the hell he was with her?"

Rosie sighed. "I don't care to be honest. She's welcome to him,"

"So what's your plan now?"

"Finishing my column, making food then having a nice bath-"

"With men," Bella laughed.

"Oh," Rosie laughed too. "I don't know, just whatever happens, happens."

"As in.. with Harry?"

"With anyone, Bella."

"But mainly Harry?"

Rosie sighed. "I'm not rushing into anything, or hoping for anything. I'm just going to see how things go."

"Whatever you say,"

"Seriously, Bella. I'm happy with being single, promise."

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