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"So it is confirmed, you are in fact pregnant." Dr Taylor smiled looking at the test results.

Harry squeezed Rosie's hand as she took in what she was saying. It had been two days of wondering and torment as to whether or not she was in fact pregnant. She had started imagining herself bigger, thinking about which room to make into the babies room, what he or she would look like - would they have her slim nose and Harry's big green eyes?

Rosie smiled, she was happier than she was when she first found out but that was down to Harry and how he had made her feel about having a baby. He himself was petrified of having a child, it's probably the biggest responsibility both of them will ever have; bringing someone into the world, keeping them safe at all times, making sure they're happy and have everything.

"What happens next?" Rosie asked. Dr Taylor had been her doctor ever since her and her mum settled in London when she was an early teen, she had gotten Rosie through everything she had faced.

"Well I'll pass all of your information on to the antenatal unit at whichever hospital is closest to you."

"Portland," Rosie answered. She had done a little research beforehand just in case. Portland hospital had been rated the best maternity care in London, and it wasn't more than a fifteen minute drive from their place.

"Great," She smiles. "So I'll file all of your details onto the antenatal system at Portland then you'll be sent a letter for an appointment with your designated midwife, then after that you'll have set appointments with scans and checks and you'll be seen by the midwife all up until baby is born. They'll also deal with postnatal and routine checks too, but you can come to me in between. I just need to know a couple things, when was your last period? Just so I can put it in the data base. It doesn't have to be a specific date."

Rosie thought for a moment, with being so busy she couldn't quite remember as she hadn't really thought about it. She wasn't able to give an approximate date but she couldn't be exact.

"That's about right," She smiles. "I would put you at four weeks pregnant,"

Rosie nodded. "Okay,"

"I'll do your blood pressure then you're all good,"

Harry dropped Rosie home after their appointment, he had some meetings to get to and she wanted to work from home as well as take a long bath.

"So?" Her mum beamed with excitement down the phone the second she answered.

Rosie laughed. "I'm pregnant,"

Her mum gasped. "I'm so happy for you,"

Rosie played with the pen on her desk. "Thank you, I'm only four weeks so obviously only me, you and Harry know for now, it's too risky to tell other people."

"Of course, that's usually the twelve week mark. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine, I expected to feel different somehow, or all of a sudden feel fat. But I don't. Because I've had my brain in baby mode for the past few days to actually have it confirmed is more of a relief than anything,"

"Yeah. Where's Harry?"

"He has meetings, but he should be back for dinner. I'm going to work at home for a couple hours then take a bath. All my muscles are tight and knotted."

"Well you take care of yourself, have you spoken to Bella?"

"Not in a few days, she's been away working. She comes back today so I'll see her soon. I can't wait to tell her."

"Not until the twelve week mark," Her mum reminds her.

"I know, I know." She sighs. She didn't really have many people to tell, but she knew keeping it from Bella would be hard. But for herself she had to keep it quiet.

Rosie found herself reading mum blogs and columns instead of working after a while so she gave herself a break and took a bath. She gave herself a manicure and made a snack.

Rosie eventually got back to work and wrote for a solid two hours, time flying by. Her phone rang and she almost didn't hear it because she was so focused.


"Hi baby," Rosie smiled at Harry's voice.

"Hi you,"

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, been working and distracting myself."

"Have you eaten?"

Rosie was silent when she realised she hadn't eaten properly since lunch, she had a snack a couple hours ago but it wasn't substantial enough.

"Rosie," Harry sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll get a banana or something now."

"I'm buying some dinner, I'll cook when I'm home." He informed.

"Okay, thank you."

"Go have a snack,"

"I will. Promise."

"Good, see you in a bit. Love you."

"Love you too,"

She wasn't sure how she had forgotten to eat, or why she was forgetting to eat but she knew from now on she had to try harder. She was growing a human who needed minerals, vitamins and everything from her, they were relying on her.

And she couldn't let him or her down.

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