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- Contains Sexual Acts -

"So who was it?" Harry snarled looking around the meeting room. He had organised a meeting with all of the events managers, organisers and HR. "Last week at my event, someone invited my ex girlfriend. I want answers. Now." His back was straight, fists tense.

The room was silent as everyone looked around awkwardly.

"So it was Mr Nobody?" Harry crossed his arms.

"I wrote out a few lists of all guests," Helen, a member of the HR team commented.

"And did you put her name down?"

"Well, I looked at previous guest lists and used those as drafts then added a few people."

"Did you take any names off?" Harry grit his teeth.

"Not that I remember, but I then forwarded it to Shaun who then read it and approved it."

Harry turned to Shaun, he had worked for Harry the longest in this room. "And Shaun, did you take anyone off?"

Shaun bit his lip. "No, I.. I read it and just approved it all. I didn't read her name otherwise I would of. It was my mistake for not checking it thoroughly. I apologise for that."

"So you were sent a list with a hundred and sixty names on and you didn't read it thoroughly? What if there was a name on there of a person who doesn't work for me anymore? Or someone who has passed away?"

"I don't have the answer for that sir. I apologise."

"I need a team who are on the ball. Spot errors, are precise with every tiny detail. I don't want this to ever happen again, I want her name blacklisted. Her details deleted and blocked. Am I clear?"

The whole room nodded as they made notes.

"Go back to work and be more careful next time,"

"..You don't need to be so nervous," Rosie smirks watching Harry play with his watch on his wrist. "It's just my mum, not the queen."

They were waiting for her mum who was surprisingly a little late to their early dinner. Rosie had organised the dinner with her mum a couple of days ago, her mum had asked if Harry would be present. Rosie wasn't sure how Harry would react, if it would be too early for that stage yet or if he was okay with that. It was coming up to their two month anniversary, not that they'd be celebrating or anything - but Rosie felt it was the right time to start introductions.

"Sorry I'm so late," Her mum panted when she rushed in, placing her bag down. She hugged Rosie tight. "The traffic was a nightmare, there were two accidents and I couldn't get round and- It was just a nightmare." She huffed.

Harry stood up and greeted her. "Harry, it's lovely to meet you." They shook hands and he kissed her cheek in greeting.

"Melanie, but call me Mel, everyone does." She smiles sitting down. Harry was handsome. His features were striking. She noticed his eyes straight away, they held mystery and light.

"I've heard lots,"

"Oh god," Her mum joked. "Only good I hope,"

"Well.." Harry teased.

"Did you drive in?" Rosie asked, smiling when Harry rest his hand on her thigh. She knew he was reassuring himself that it was okay.

"Yes, I have a new car so I thought I may as well but with that traffic I should have caught the train."

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