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Christmas and Boxing Day came and went, Rosie felt filled with love and happiness spending time with Harry's family

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Christmas and Boxing Day came and went, Rosie felt filled with love and happiness spending time with Harry's family.

After her little stint on Christmas Eve she promised herself she wouldn't let herself get down about her confidence and she would enjoy the family time and her last Christmas as just Rosie and Harry, for the rest of her life she'd not be spending Christmas with Harry but her little boy and the children that were yet to come.

"Harry," Rosie was pacing his room trying to breathe properly. "Oh my god, Harry!"

He moved a little. "Baby, it's 2am."

"Yes, but I've been having contractions for twenty minutes,"

Sitting up alert, Harry looked at her. "What?"

"I thought I needed the toilet but my waters broke and I can't- I'm- Harry-"

With her going into panic Harry stood to calm her down. "It's fine okay? We have your labour bag, I'll take you to the hospital."

"But my mum isn't home yet, he can't come when my mum isn't even fucking England!"

"I don't think you really have a choice baby," He mumbled throwing on some clothes.

"It's not my hospital, I need to be in London, not up here, he's early, three weeks early!"

"They'll transfer your details, it's fine. You'll be fine, okay? Stop panicking and put this cardigan on, it's freezing."

She did as she was told and followed him out, Harry knocked on his mum and sisters doors letting them know what was happening, the both of them sleepily getting out of bed.

"We'll follow behind you in my car," Anne organised.

Rosie was stood by the door concentrating on her breathing whilst everyone ran round.

When they got to the hospital, they were immediately seen to and given a private room. Harry had asked for the corridor to be watched and monitored only family members allowed through with I.D. He'd already given his mum and sister's information.

"I'm scared Harry," Rosie cried once she was all settled in, she was changed into a hospital gown and hooked up to monitors to watch her and the baby's heartbeat and rate.

"It's going to be absolutely fine, I promise. In twenty four hours we're going to have a son, he's going to be here."

"But my mum.." She swiped her tears.

"I've left a voicemail and text messages for her, time difference doesn't exactly help."

"Have you told my dad?" She asked.

"I can do, if you'd like?"

She nods. "His numbers in my phone."

Harry steps out the room as he see his mum and Gemma arrive. "Go through, I'm just ringing her dad."

They nod, walking in both smiling as Rosie starts breathing through another contraction.

December the 27th was a day none of them would forget. They arrived at the hospital at 2:43am that morning, but he wasn't born until 1:30pm that day.

Those ten hours had been the longest yet shortest hours of Harry's and Rosie's life. The doctor told them a nearly eleven hour labour for her first baby was good, some women can go up to thirty four hours.

The first hour was a blur, he had to be checked over and weighed, Rosie was assessed and spoken to all the while Harry was running between her and baby making sure they were both okay.

They had said he was a happy and healthy weight of 8lbs 1, which is large for the first born of any woman. He was crying and reacting normally, and his reflexes all worked how they should.

Eventually, after a life time (seven minutes) He was placed back on Rosie's chest wrapped in his sailor blanket they had brought with them.

Eventually, after a life time (seven minutes) He was placed back on Rosie's chest wrapped in his sailor blanket they had brought with them

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"I love him," She cried kissing his forehead. "I really love him,"

Harry smiled, he couldn't stop taking photos. "I love you both."

"Do we have a name?" The midwife smiles writing on the clipboard.

Rosie watches him in awe. "Elijah," Rosie announces smiling at Harry. "Elijah Edward Styles,"

Harry went to protest, they had discussed and agreed on Elijah Bellevue-Styles.

"He should have just one surname, your surname." She smiles as Harry kisses her clammy forehead.

"Elijah is a wonderful name," The midwife compliments.

"Thank you,"

They were left alone to spend some one to one time with their new son before everyone was allowed in to see their new family member.

"Anything from my mum?" Rosie asks, watching as Elijah was handed from Anne to Gemma.

"I've rang and text but had no answer," Harry shrugs looking at his phone.

"I got a hold of her, she was ecstatic and told me to tell you she'll be home in five days. She couldn't afford an earlier flight and that's when her flight was booked for."

Rosie nods, she understood if her mum could be, she'd be here. He wouldn't change in five days, it wasn't the end of the world.

"How are you feeling?" Anne asks as Gemma hands Elijah back to Harry.

"I'm really tired. Exhausted even,"

"But you did it," She smiles. "He's here,"

Rosie turned to look at Harry who was swaying with their son. "Finally."

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