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A/N: ok so i had a gown for Rosie(read on and you'll understand what i mean), i had the perfect gown for her and everything but the photo refused to upload - i tried on laptop, ipad and iphone but wattpad for some reason hates me. so, for when you read that part, the gown is strapless, midnight blue with black simple strappy heels and a black clutch.

"Bella I'm sick of speaking with your voice mail. Please answer me even if it's just a text to say you're okay. I know you're back there again, so please, let me know you're okay." Rosie sighs as she hangs up, her mum walked back over from getting their drinks from the barista.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

Rosie rolled her eyes. "Just Bella stuff." She took the hot chocolate with a thanks and stirred it.

"Are you looking forward to tonight?"

Tonight is a music awards that Rosie will be attending with Harry - majority of his artists are nominated so he couldn't not go. He had given Rosie the choice to go; it would be their first public event whilst she's been pregnant so she was a little unsure at first, but she wanted to go for him.

"Yeah, I have my outfit and everything ready, I'm just a little nervous for the interviews."

"Well they won't ask anything inappropriate,"

Rosie shrugged. "Sometimes reporters like to get a reaction out of you,"

"Harry will handle it,"

"How have you been? How is work?"

Her mum nodded. "I've been well, I'm looking to go travelling for a little while. Maybe go Thailand or somewhere like that, get some warmth on my skin. Work is good, we've been quite busy recently with the new recruitments starting."

"I wish I could go to Thailand," Rosie pouted. "But I have other things to think about now," She smiles holding her tummy.

"How are you getting on?"

"Just fine, I've been really content lately. I'm really enjoying being pregnant,"

Her mum smiled. "Good," It filled her heart with joy that her daughter was so happy, she was happy that she was happy. She had always dreamed for her to have a good job, a life, a family with someone she loved. She couldn't believe sometimes that her daughter was this woman who was so strong and wise, it felt like two minutes ago since she was braiding her hair and putting plasters on scratched knees.

"I wanted to talk to you about something.." Rosie pulled out her father's letter and presented it to her. "I received this a couple of days ago."

Her mum read through it, no expression crossing her face whilst she read it.

"So?" Her mum sipped her coffee. "Have you contacted him?" She asks sliding the letter back to Rosie.

"I wanted to talk to you first,"


"Because you've brought me up my whole life by yourself. I feel it's something I have to talk to you about first."

Her mum smiled. "It's completely down to you what you wish to do. I can't give you my opinion because he's your father, it wouldn't be fair of me to try and sway you to do one thing or the other."

Rosie played with the handle of her mug. "I think I want to meet him,"

Her mum smiled a little. "I predicted so,"

"Just out of curiosity. Just so I can say I've at least met him once, you know? Just so I can see if we're alike at all."

"You are," Her mum smiles looking out the window. "You are like him, sometimes I see it so strongly I go quiet. I want you to do what you wish, if that's to meet him then you do that."

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