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"I'm so excited!" Rosie grinned adjusting the antlers on her head. She had been pretty up and down recently but today she was excited and full of butterflies.

With it only being five days to Christmas she invited her dads family to join her and Harry for an early celebration as she'd be up north with Harry on the day. Her mum was traveling in south east Asia with her travelling friends she's made so Rosie didn't feel as guilty spending Christmas with Harry's family.

"Babe watch the bauble on the floor there," Harry called, quickly picking it up and placing it back on the tree.

Two months on and the pair felt their relationship was at its strongest yet. They were happy and with the fact it was nearing closer and closer to the birth they felt nothing but love for one another.

Jonathan was sentenced to 3 years in prison, it wasn't an outcome anyone expected. Lawyers predicted that because he was well known and wealthy he'd be given a order to stay away and community service hours, but it turned out the judge as a child witnessed his mother being abused and always comes down hard on domestics violence cases.

"I can't believe I get to meet my brother and sister," Rosie smiled taking out the biscuits she'd bought and arranging them on a large plate.

They were only doing buffet/party food for everyone as she didn't want the pressure of cooking for so many people.  It was only four weeks until her due date, but the baby could arrive at any point now.

"I'm quite excited too, what's your dads wife called again?"


Harry nods. "Thought so, I was torn between that and Julia."

"I'm a little anxious too. I've been anxious for about three days now, but today in particular."

"Baby worries?" Harry had noticed Rosie had become quiet the past week, she was still herself but she seemed to be in her thoughts a lot. He noticed she found it difficult to get to sleep, the huge bump she now had didn't help but he had noticed sleeping had become a difficult time for her.

She sighed walking into his arms and hugging him. He kissed her hair as he rubbed her back.

"I'm just a little all over the place, I've finished work now and I feel I'm going to miss out on so much even though I'll be able to do so much from home. I'm worried how I'm going to cope with the baby, what if we don't get a bond straight away? Or what if he cries and I don't know what's wrong with him? Or what if he catches something?"

"Babe,  I get you're anxious about these things, but your work can wait and like you said you can do it from home when you're ready to work again. You're going to be the most amazing mother in the world, you're going to grow into being a mother. Each day you'll learn, you'll just do it naturally. You can't predict the future, you just have to go along with it and get over the curve balls it throws at us."

She nods as he wipes the stray tears from her cheeks.

"We're going to be just fine, I promise."

"I just don't want to let him down," Rosie admits.

"And you won't, that's impossible. Look at his nursery, he won't want for anything and he has us as parents to love him unconditionally."

She smiles as she kisses him.

Their gate buzzes and Rosie's butterflies flit around in her stomach. "They're here," She sings happily as she checks the camera and opens the gate.

With the baby's arrival not so far away and Rosie being at home a lot Harry had had his security company install a more up to date camera on their gate and a few extra cameras around the outside.

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