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A/N: Hey sorry it took me a while to update! I've worked 12 hour days this week so I've had literally no time to do anything but work and sleep!

It had come to that time of the weekend where Rosie had to go back home. She hated leaving Harry's every week, it always seemed to get harder each time. They would both be silent as she packed her little suitcase. When she started staying round it was just a simple bag, but now she was comfortable she takes a case full of stuff. Harry had cleared two drawers for her to keep stuff in, she felt like this was a big step for them in their relationship, they were at that point where they were starting to share their spaces.

It had been a full on three weeks, Harry had meetings back to back whilst Rosie was preparing her children for assessments they were having to do at the end of the month. It wasn't anything serious but she still had a lot to teach in a short space of time and with a lot of teaching comes a lot of planning and work at home. Harry had been patient with her when she would snap on the odd occasion. He had gone round one evening as a surprise, she appreciated it and enjoyed having him at her place and cooking dinner for them both but she still had a lot of paperwork to do. Harry watched tv whilst she worked through it. He really understood then what it took to be a teacher and how hard she was having to work.

This weekend they had relaxed together, Harry booked them in for spa day on the Friday afternoon which was very much needed. Yesterday they slept in until 12pm then watched films together until around five when they went for an early dinner.

"Have you had a nice weekend? We haven't really done much," Harry squeezed her thigh as he drove towards her place.

Rosie always got quiet on the journey home, reliving their weekend together in her head and letting it sink in that she wouldn't see him in person until Friday. They spoke everyday whether it was message, call or FaceTime - but she preferred being able to reach out and touch him.

"I've enjoyed myself a lot, I like being lazy with you."

"I enjoy being lazy with you too."

"We should be lazy together more often,"

Harry smiled kissing her knuckle. "Next weekend, I'm driving up to my mums."


"How would you feeling about coming along?" He asked unsure of her reaction. They had spoken about her meeting his family a few times these past weeks but Harry hadn't had chance to organize it.

"If you want me to, I'd love to meet your family."

"Of course I want you to." He laughed. "The first thing my mum asked was if I was bringing you,"

That filled Rosie with some confidence, at least his mum wanted to meet her and she didn't have to go thinking about whether or not she was welcome.

"Do you think she'll like me?"

"Without a doubt, how can she not?" He rolled his eyes. "You're everything a mother wants for her son."

Rosie laughed. "I'll look forward to meeting everyone,"

Rosie spent her afternoon reminiscing the weekend and getting through paperwork and planning for the week ahead. She had a few children who needed to move maths groups as some had improved and needed to go up to a higher level group.

Her doorbell rang around six when she was cooking herself some dinner, she answered to her smiling cousin, Chelsea.

"How have you been doing?" Rosie asks as she checks on the food. "Want some?"

Chelsea shakes her head. "No thanks, Liam's cooking."

"Oh," Rosie smiles.

"I just wanted to come over and see how you are.. And tell you some news."

Rosie rested against her counter top, intrigued by this. "Right.."

"I'm pregnant."

Rosie's face lit up with a grin. "Chelsea.. That's amazing news."

The two embrace in a tight hug before pulling away, both of them emotional.

"I'm so happy for you,"

"We're not revealing the sex to anyone, we want to keep it between us two."

Rosie nods. "That's completely down to you."

"Mum was a little annoyed, but it's my choice."

"Does my mum know?" Rosie asked.

Chelsea shakes her head. "Not yet, she's next on the list."

"This is such good news."

"How are you?" Chelsea asks, wanting to keep up to date with her cousin. She always got on with Rosie best - even better than she got on with her own sisters. Her and Rosie had a unique bond that they didn't have with any other family members.

"I'm okay, I have a boyfriend now.." She shyly informs.

"Right? And you never told me anything about this, why?"

"You've been busy with life."

"Never too busy for you," Chelsea helps herself to a drink. "So tell me, name?"

"Well.." Rosie takes out her phone and shows Chelsea her lockscreen.

"Holy shit that's Harry. You're dating Liam's boss?"

Rosie looks away. "I don't see him that way,"

"When did you meet him?"

"At your wedding.." Rosie admits.

Chelsea laughs. "So I can take full credit for you two getting together?"

Rosie rolls her eyes. "No,"

"How are things going with him? He always seem so work focused."

"Things are really well. We spend weekends together, we do normal things like most couples do."

"As long as you're happy, and he treats you well."

"He treats me perfectly, Chels. Don't worry about that."

"Good, that's all I want for you Rosie."

Rosie smiles, she appreciated the fact her cousin cared for her like a best friend or sister. She was lucky to have someone like her in her life.

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