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"You need to tell me everything that happened because I will find him," Rosie's mum fumed the minute she stomped in. She hadn't invited her round, she was having a quiet night in with Harry until well, now. "I swear to you Rosie I will bloody find the basterd and kill him! Hi Harry," She waved in a fluster as she set her bag down at the kitchen table where Harry was sat on his laptop.

"Mum calm down," Rosie sighed. "I'm fine,"

"Look at your face," She held Rosie's almost healed face in her hands. It had been four days since the incident.

"It was much worse than that," Harry interupted. "You should have seen her the following morning."

Rosie glared at him as she poured her mum some coffee. "I'm fine alright? I fought back, I got in a few hits too."

"I should bloody hope so too with all those karate lessons I paid for," Her mum joked.

"The police are dealing with it all and I'm sure they'll find him and whatever happens, happens."

"You're being far too laid back about all of this Rosie," Her mum shook her head. "You need a lawyer."

"I'll sort all the legalities out, don't worry Melanie." Harry promised.

Rosie sighed. She wouldn't let him do that.

"You need to be careful," Her mum sat at the table, sipping her coffee.

"Mum, it could have happened to anybody-"

"But it happened to you, and that bothers me. Was he purposely targeting you?"

Rosie hadn't thought too much into it, she didn't want to. "Some people are dicks, end of."

"Language," Her mum scolded.

"He didn't care who I was, he just wanted to mug someone and it was me."

"Why were you by yourself in the first place?"

"My phone died so I couldn't call a taxi so I decided to walk to the nearest tube station."

"Where were you?" Melanie frowned in confusion looking at Harry.

He swallowed hard, the guilt hitting him again. This time he felt it differently, he saw the worry in her mother's eyes, the questioning of why he didn't save her, why he didn't protect her.

"This isn't anything to do with Harry," Rosie answered.

Melanie was sceptical but didn't want to push buttons that weren't necessary. "I'll buy you another phone, that way if that one dies you have this one so you can still call,"

"Mum," Rosie sighed.

"Or I'll get you one of those portable charger things,"


"But they lose charge quick don't they?" She rambled.

"Mum it's fine. Wrong place, wrong time."

Melanie observed her daughter, checking she was okay before standing and finishing her coffee. "Keep me updated with what the police say and please, please stay safe."

"I will," Rosie promised, hugging her mum tight.

"And you Mr," She pointed at Harry playfully. "You protect her alright?"

"Won't let her out of my sight," He half joked.

"Good, right. I'll be off, I have a salsa class, I just wanted to check up on you."

Rosie saw her mum off before locking her door for the night.

"Tired?" Harry asked hugging her and kissing her hair.


"Let's go to bed, forget about the washing up. I'll do that tomorrow." He smiles kissing her cheek.

She yawns as she nods, too tired to protest. Usually she would insist she stood and did them, but tonight she knew there was no use.



Short but sweet chapter, bit of a filler for you.

Let me know what you think will happen next?

I'm so excited for what is to come with this story.

Esmee :)

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