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A/N: Okay so I wrote this chapter out twice and scrapped them both because I hated them as I didn't feel it either portrayed Rosie in the way I wanted to, or Harry the way I wanted to. But hopefully I do them both justice and you enjoy this chapter! Let me know :)

Also, how do you picture Rosie? I have an idea of her, but I'm interested in how readers see her.

Also, there's some translation in this if it's wrong please be nice and tell me diplomatically. Thanks!


When Rosie woke she heard Harry in the shower, his clothes from the night before thrown over his chair in the corner. His side of the bed was messy, comforting her in the fact that he was beside her at one point during the night.

She had battled to go to sleep, wanting to stay awake for him and talk it all over, but she was exhausted by the time her head hit the pillow and decided that today was a new day for them to sort it out.

She made herself a tea and Harry a coffee, leaving it on his bed side as she put on some gym clothes. She hadn't been in weeks so she got her water bottle, phone and a towel together, texted Bella to meet her there and left Harry's place.

When Harry got out of the shower and changed into just a pair of joggers, he was hoping Rosie would be awake so he could speak with her. He was slightly hungover, getting in at 3am even though he promised himself he'd only stay an hour or two last night.

When he saw nothing but a made bed and his coffee waiting he felt a pang of disappointment, but her pyjamas folded neatly on her side gave him comfort that she was there, and would be back.

"So you think something is going on?" Bella asked.

Both Bella and Rosie were on the treadmills side by side walking at a slow pace warming themselves up.

"With his work, yeah. Definitely."

"Well, what could it be?"

"I don't know, I try not to think about it but there's this change in him and I can't understand why, last night at the awards he was happy, he was talking to everyone there so I don't get who or what is bothering him."

Bella bit her lip not wanting to say what she thought it may be. From personal experience whenever a partner had been unfaithful to her there was a change in their demeanour too; sneaky phone calls, partying until late, 'working' until stupid hours. She didn't want to fill Rosie's head with this, she wanted to believe in Harry. She wanted him to be the perfect guy for Rosie because he is, most of the time.

"Honestly, I think you just need to give him time. If it's work, then you should just believe him and wait until he comes to you, he's obviously just finding it all a bit difficult right now."

Rosie sighed. "I know, do you think I'm putting too much pressure on him?"

"Not so much pressure but I think he probably feels like he's got a lot of expectation on him."

"I should probably stop being so hard on him? And myself?"

"You're not to blame, you're his girlfriend. It's your job to want attention and feel appreciated, it's also your job to worry if something's not right. It's just about balance."

"Look at you miss relationship advisor." Rosie joked lightening up the mood. "How are things with Mr Niall?"

"They're wonderful, honestly." They both upped the pace on their treadmills. "We had our first fight last week, but we were both so tired and he had been away in Ireland visiting family and I think we were both frustrated because we hadn't seen each other. But then the minute he landed back here he came to my place and we spoke it out and just laughed at how stupid we were."

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