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"Babe?" Rosie looked up from her laptop and smiled at Harry.

He'd driven over after work - he'd finished early today. It was a typical Thursday night and Rosie was sorting out planning so she didn't have much to do over the weekend.


Harry was on his phone looking at something when she looked over.

"I've got to fly out to New York on Monday,"

"For how long?" She asked.

"Just four days. I need to go over some contracts over there and other paperwork,"

Rosie nodded. "Are you excited?"

"Yeah, I'll miss you though. You wouldn't be able to fly out at all?"

She pouted kissing him. "Middle of term is far too busy right now, I wish I could."

Harry sighs. "We've never been apart like that before."

"Well, we have in a way.. we usually go Monday to Friday without seeing each other don't we? It'll just be a little different because you'll be abroad." She reasoned.


She kissed him again. "I'll miss you, but it's only four days, not four weeks."

"When are you on holiday?" He asks.

Rosie checks her calendar. "End May. We get a week off."

"Why don't we go away then?"

She was a little surprised at his suggestion. "Yeah? You can take time off work?"

"Course. I'm CEO," He grins.

"Yeah but you're also a very busy man,"

"Who can take time off for his girlfriend."

"Fine then, end May. Where shall we go?"

"Anywhere you want,"

"Well, not anywhere. I have to save and have money,"

"Don't worry about that," Harry rolls his eyes.

"I need to contribute as much as you,"

"No you don't, I can book a private plane, apartment, suite, whatever-"

"No," Rosie protested shaking her head putting her laptop down. "I don't want you to do all that. I want us to do it together."

"And we can but-"

"Harry, there's two of us in this relationship. I can pay my way."

He was silent not liking how he was being told no.

"I get that, I do. But things like this I can cover, let me treat you. Most people would jump at the chance,"

Rosie was quiet. "I'm not most people. I don't want a holiday handed to me. I earn money too, I can pay for things too."

Harry crossed his arms.

"I'm going for a shower," She announced, done with this conversation.

Harry sighed rubbing his eyes. Rosie was stubborn. He liked the fact she was like this, he had never had to fight someone about paying for things. She was right; she wasn't most people.

Harry left Rosie to shower and change into her pyjamas. He didn't want to annoy her further so he stayed sat on the sofa playing with his phone.

She was making hot chocolate in her kitchen when he eventually found her again.

"Would you like one?" She asks quietly. He leaned against the counter top watching her spoon out the chocolate powder. Her kitchen was a lot smaller than his, it was a lot more intimate here.

"Yes please,"

She took a mug down from the overhead cupboard and spooned out some powder.

"I don't want you mad at me," He announced.

"I'm not mad at you," She refused to look at him as she waited for the water to boil.

"Look at me then,"

She looked up at him and he smiled at her, her eyes as beautiful as the first time he saw her all those months ago.

"You're the apple of my eye,"

"Flattery won't change my mind,"

"I like when you're annoyed at me, secretly." He smirked.

She frowned pouring in the water and stirring their drinks.

"It makes you so much sexier,"

She rolled her eyes and poured some milk in their drinks. "I'm not annoyed,"

"Then what are you?"

She gave him his mug. "I'm nothing," She sipped her drink.

"You're everything." He shook his head, pulling her closer. She leaned against his chest and drew in a deep breath. "You're my everything, and I don't want you mad about me wanting to spoil you,"

He felt her pull away to argue back but he hushed her.

"If you want to pay half and half we can do that, as much as it'll kill me."

She smiled up at him. "You'll be fine," She kissed his lips.

Rosie sighed as she watched Harry pack for his trip to New York, he was flying tomorrow morning.

"I wish I could come with you, I've always wanted to visit New York."

Although she had lived in various places around the uk whilst growing up, she had never really travelled a lot. She would go with her mum to Spain or Greece every summer during the holidays but she never got to explore like she always wanted to.

"Be rebellious and just fly out,"

She laughed. "I wish,"

"While I'm away you could research our holiday?"

She nodded. "Yeah, where do you want to go?"

"Wherever you want to,"

"I'll look into it," She folded another t-shirt of his and placed it in the suitcase.

"Can I make you a deal?" Harry crossed his arms.

Rosie sighed knowing she probably won't like whatever deal he was about to make. "Go on,"

"You can find us the location and everything, hotel; the lot. We can pay half and half."


"But, I will book us a private jet to wherever it is we're going,"

Rosie huffed. "You're not open to negotiation?"

He shook his head.

"Fine," She mumbled completely defeated. "But that's all,"

Harry smirked kissing her, "Course baby."

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