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"Goodbye Cottage," Rosie pouted as she touched the door to their cottage that had been home for the past seven days. It almost felt surreal that it was time to head back home already, it felt like two minutes had flown by but at the same time the week had been everything Rosie had imagined and more.

"We'll come back," Harry kisses her. "Promise,"

She smiles sadly taking it all in one last time, it reminded her of being a child. Because she moved around so much, she used to always take in her bedroom or classroom for the last time in hopes she would remember it before moving on to wherever her mother was based next.

Rosie was quiet the entire drive to the airport, Harry let her have some time to herself he wanted it too so he could prepare himself for everything back home that he had to go back and face.

Florence had messaged to say they had found a replacement PA to cover Louisa when she goes on maternity leave, it was settling to know that that was one thing crossed off the list. He trusted Florence and her instinct - she knew what type of people Harry wanted working for him and she knew how to pick the best. She has helped him many times with hiring and firing employees.

"You okay sunshine?" Harry asked as they walked up to the private plane, their arms swinging as their hands gripped together.

"Just sad,"

He kissed her head. "I know, I'm just.. we're both going to be so busy."

"Yeah, but that won't affect us." She smiled.

They both shook hands with the pilot before Harry tapped the plane and kissed it before entering, Rosie did the same without questioning this time.

"Are you worried that you won't be seeing me as much when we get home?" Harry asks once they get comfortable on the sofa with a blanket.

"Well, yeah."

"I'm always going to be able to make time for you, no matter how busy I get."

"I just don't know what's ahead and it scares me,"

"It should excite you, it's exciting that we don't know the future."

Rosie was quiet. That wasn't how she thought, she always liked order and knowing what she was doing. She hated not having a plan, and with Harry there wasn't a plan.

As soon as they landed they were driven back to Harry's, Harry changed and went straight back out to the office to check in on everything while Rosie washed their clothes and walked to a nearby supermarket to get in some basic food they'd need.

Once she was back and had unpacked the food she took out her laptop and turned it on for the first time in just over a week. She had left it in Harry's safe rather than her usual hiding place under her bed.

She checked her emails straight away knowing she'd be inundated with them. There was one particular email that caught her eye; an email from her landlord.

She had decided to forget about the letter he had sent whilst on holiday and didn't want to even begin to worry about where she would get the money for her new rent. Yes, she was a teacher but it didn't make her a millionaire by any means. Especially in London.

This email though, It was an email of confirmation of payment, thanking her for the five figure payment that had been made.

"What?" She frowned reading over and over the email not quite taking it in. Five figure sum? Since when did she pay this? She couldn't afford this.

She quickly called the landlord to find out what was going on.

"Hi Miss Bellevue, how are you?"

"Yeah, hi Mr Stoke I know it's Saturday evening and it's your personal time but I'm a little confused by the email you sent me, I've been away so I've only just read it."

"Right.. what are you confused about?"

"The amount," She breathed a laughed. "I don't recall paying that, at all."

"Oh no, it wasn't from your account. It was paid on your behalf. I was under the illusion that you knew all about the transaction."

"Um, no..I didn't, who made this transaction?"

"Let me just get the files up,"

She waited a moment hearing him clicking on his laptop.

"It was a Mr Harry Styles, he spoke about the situation but he informed me that this was agreed as he is your partner."

Rosie felt breathless. "Right, yes. Sorry for disturbing you. Thank you for your time." She rushed.

"No problem Miss Bellevue."

She sat back staring at her laptop screen. He had paid her rent and more. He had probably if she worked it out, paid her rent for at least a year by the figures on her screen. Why would he do that? And how did he know to do that?

He must have gone through the mail.

She wasn't sure how to feel, at the moment it was a feeling of betrayal and anger.

By the time Harry got home Rosie had bathed and gone to bed, not bothering to stay awake. She didn't want to speak with him yet.


Uh oh she's found out! What do you think is going to happen??

Also do you like the new story front cover??

Esmee xxx

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