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Rosie and Harry spent their first four days in St Lucia gathering their bearings and adjusting to Caribbean time. They had gotten into a routine of waking up, having breakfast, swimming in the pool, sunbathing, having lunch then deciding what to do with their day.

Both of them had already gotten tans, Rosie laughed at Harry's tan lines as they were so definite.

"What are we doing today?" Rosie asked as they finished their lunch. They'd ate a lot of fresh salad and fruit whilst out here, it was too hot for them to eat anything heavy. Rosie felt better for it.

"Well I've organised a jeep expedition around the island."

Rosie's eyes widened in excitement. "Really?"

He nodded. "Really,"

"For when?"

"You have an hour to get ready, we'll be out all day so pack water and sun cream."

She nods washing her plate and cup before heading up to her room. She danced around her room as she picked out a floral playsuit and some cute suede sandals. She wanted to be comfortable but also practical.

She was ready within forty five minutes which surprised Harry, she was known for her lateness. She didn't put on any makeup, she hadn't done since she'd got there.  Harry had liked seeing her all  natural, with her tan her freckles came out more and he loved how cute she looked with them.

The jeep guide was really nice. He was called Marcel and was really enthusiastic and excited to show them the island.

They drove all over the island, because it isn't a big island they were able to get round it in one round trip. They saw The Pitons; the two mountainous non-active volcanoes, Marcel talked about their height, history and the importance of them today.

They got to see Rodney Bay, and learn about it's history - it was named after a British Naval officer. The restaurants and spas peaked Rosie's interest and Harry promised he'd bring her back one day during their holiday and spend the day there.

When they stopped for the second snack and toilet break, Rosie wandered off whilst Harry was at the toilet, walking over to a young boy who didn't look older than eleven. He was sat at a road-side stall selling bananas and mangoes.

"Hi, could I get a bunch of bananas please?" Rosie smiled politely.

"Yes mam," The boy replied politely picking some for her before handing them over. "A dollar please."

Rosie was surprised at how cheap they were. "Really?"

He nods.

"Wow, are you here everyday?" She asked.

"Yes mam,"

"Do you sell many?"

"Sometimes, sometimes I sit here and sell nothing. It's okay, but I help out my family and when I don't sell any it's harder for them. We're not poor but we don't have a lot of money. I want to save for college too, I want to teach science to children."

Rosie felt a feeling of sorrow for him, but also a sense of pride, he didn't have the greatest of opportunities but he still remained hopeful. "What's your name?"

"Everyone calls me Adi."

"Nice to meet you Adi, I'm Rosie." She smiles shaking his hand, Harry walked over to see what she was up to, not surprised she was making friends. "This is my friend Harry," She announced pointing to him.

"Hi," He waved.

Adi nodded. "Hello sir."

"What am I buying then?" Harry asked reaching into his pocket.

"Mangoes or bananas." Rosie pointed.

"I'll take three bunches of bananas, five mangoes please mate."

The boy was stunned, quickly gathering them all together. Rosie opened her backpack piling the fruit into it.

"Er, eight dollars please."

Harry didn't have anything smaller than a twenty so he gave that to him. "I don't need any change,"

With wide eyes Adi looked at Harry. "Are you sure sir?"

"Positive," Harry smiled winking at a happy Rosie before walking back to the jeep.

"I have to go now Adi, but it was lovely to meet you."

"You too, Rosie."

"Keep your head up. You'll be an amazing teacher." She smiled shaking his hand again.

They were also shown Pigeon Bay, Marigot Bay and Sulphur Springs along with many other of the islands attractions. It was a lot to take in, but both Harry and Rosie loved it both pouting when they pulled back into the parking bay at the jeep hire place.

"Thank you so much; you've given us so much information, I've learnt so much."

Marcel shook it off. "It's my job,"

"You're very good at it," Rosie smiled.

Harry shook his hand, giving him a generous tip for giving them such an enjoyable trip around the island.

When they got back into their villa they were both so tired. It was just after eight and neither of them felt like eating anything, both deciding on cereal, fruit and a smoothie for a late dinner.

"Have you had a good day?" Harry asked as they brushed their teeth together.

Rosie, with a mouth full of toothpaste nodded with her thumb up. After spitting she wiped her face. "Loved it, but I think my shoulders are a little burnt."

When she turned around Harry placed his hands on her to feel her burning shoulders. They were very hot.

"Yeah, you're really warm."

"Shit," She sighed. "Can you rub some after-sun in for me, please?" She asked politely.

He nodded following her into her bedroom and catching the bottle of after-sun she threw to him.

He gently rubbed the cold lotion into his hands before soothing her shoulders. Anyone else would shudder at the cold but Rosie welcomed it, pouting when the lotion became warm under their contact.

"Better?" Harry asked once he finished.

"A little, thank you."

He smiled. "It's alright, night." He hugged her, kissing her temple. "See you in the morning,"

"See you in the morning, thank you for today."

"Don't mention it," He squeezed her a little tighter before leaving her room and shutting the door quietly behind him.

It was the third crack of lightening that woke Rosie. With her window and curtains open she quickly shut them before jumping at another crash of thunder and lightening. She hated it. It was one of her biggest fears; it always had been.

Trying to ignore it, she put her headphones in and turned her music up but the music only distracted her so she took them out, jumping at another round of crackling.

Swallowing hard she tip-toed to Harry's room, gently knocking on the door. His sleeping figure didn't respond and she felt bad for going in, she almost turned to go back to her room but she cowered as she heard thunder shake the villa.

Quickly stepping over to his bed she gets under his covers snuggling into his bed.

"Rosie?" A half asleep, confused Harry opens one eye.

"It's thunder and lightening." She whispers feeling pathetic.

Harry knew she hated it, he remembered a couple times comforting her when they were together.

He put his arms around her, bringing her to rest on his bare chest. "You're fine," He promised, kissing her hair. "Absolutely fine."

She felt far away from it in his bed, she could barely hear the storm now she lay safe in his arms.

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