Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I sprinted through the corridors to where the commotion is coming from. When I got to the room my heart caught in my throat. There laid a bloodied Michael, soft whimpers leaving his lips as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Let me through!" I yelled at the doctors barricading the door. I pushed past them, tumbling to my knees beside Michael and he reached out for me weakly. I held back tears and pushed his blood matted hair out of his eyes and his eyes caught mine. "Did they do this to you?"

He nodded slowly, his face contorting in pain. I knelt there holding his hand in mine.

"You're the strongest person I know." I breathed quietly. "I'll come visit you once I get them done, I promise Michael."

"W-What happened?" I heard Calum at the door. I turned and his face fell.

"Miss you're going to need to back away." A paramedic spoke as they tore the shirt Michael was wearing open and he pushed me back gently. I felt my heart break for the boy as his face screwed up in pain as they pressed their gloved hands against a wound on his side. Tears finally fell.

"Those bastards. Keep strong Michael okay? I'll get them sorted for you." I spoke. Michael nodded ever so slightly before he was lifted up onto a bed and wheeled out of his room. I stood there looking at the pool of blood from where Michael was once laying.

I felt useless. I couldn't comfort the boy, I couldn't help him in any way.

"It seems the new doctor can't keep a patient for over a week." The male from the ordeal yesterday sneered from the doorway and I walked right up to him.

"I know you did this, I'll get you out of this place and into a real jail you sick bastard." I snarled walking past him.

"D-Doctor Keys!" I heard someone call from beside the doorway and I turned looking and saw Calum giving me sympathetic eyes. "Never mind."

I walked to my office and sat down filling out paperwork when my door knocked.

"Who is it?"

"Doctor Irwin." The voice spoke.

"Come in." I pressed a button on my desk and the lock on the door beeped signalling that it was open. He strolled in and took a seat in front of my desk.


"So that's why you're Clifford's Doctor." He explained.

"I could get hurt with anybody in this place." I sighed. "You could place me with someone who has never harmed a soul in their life and they could still hurt me."

"I tried explaining that to him." He chuckled. "Anyway, we don't condone patients entering eachothers rooms, but Calum entered Bruce's and found this." He reached into his pocket and pulled a clear plastic bag from his pocket.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"We ran it through the biometric system and it has Bruce's finger prints over it. We can put him in jail, like I know you want."

"How do we do that?"

"Just prove he isn't crazy. Every doctor he has had, has been bribed so they keep putting him down as unimproved, the only two are you and I. However either of us becoming his doctor is highly dangerous, he's double our strength combined-"

"Don't put yourself in danger, I'll do it." I smiled and met his eyes.

"A-Are you sure?" His eyes widened and looked me up and down.

"I'm sure. Anything for a patient."

Running Free // Calum Hood AU //Where stories live. Discover now