Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

I slid under the covers gently, trying not to disturb Calum. I closed my eyes letting the warm bed encase me. I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

"You're home late... is everything okay?" He asked, his voice deep with sleep.

"Yeah, I had to file a few reports." I spoke quietly. "Did I wake you?"

By this point, it had been a couple of years since we both confessed our love for each other. We had been 'official' since.

"No, I slept for an hour or so before you got here... Then I got worried because I thought that something had happened to you as you were late so I couldn't sleep again."

He laid on his back and I rolled over and placed my head on his bare chest one of my arms slung around his middle. He chuckled.

"I need to thank you." He whispered. "Without you I'd have been killed by those men from when we went out- without you I would have been still stuck in the asylum or even in jail. You waltzed in that day, probably not expecting to get me maybe someone like Michael... you took me under your wing, and even though it isn't your job, you protected me through thick and thin."

"Calum..." I whispered.

"No. Don't 'Calum' me. I mean it Elizabeth. Without you I'd be a dead man, you put yourself in the line of fire so many times to save not just me, but even Michael. God, I knew Michael before I was in there- No one thought he'd speak again. But you did it, you're a miracle worker. I thank you on behalf of him too."

"It's no problem, I knew mostly what I was getting myself in to as soon as I walked into that place." I smiled slightly in the darkness.

"I can't thank you enough though, for sticking with me when times got hard and being here with me right now." He chuckled. "I bet you didn't know you were getting yourself stuck with me for that long."

"I couldn't imagine it any other way."


Days passed, Calum was his usual lovey self when something else happened.

"El!" He yelled from the living room. "Come here!"

I quickly turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and my hair before quickly making my way downstairs to him.

"What's happened?" I panicked holding my towel with one hand and he looked up from the paper in his hand and he grinned widely at me.

"Read this." He grinned and held the paper out to me.

'To Mr. Calum Hood & Miss. Elizabeth Keys

You're invited to Mali Koa Hood's wedding on the 11th August at Thala Beach.

Please call the following number to confirm your availability and to ask questions

-Mali Koa'

I looked up and he grinned.

"They got in touch with me!" He chuckled. "They didn't forget I existed!"

"Calum that's amazing-" I breathed.

"I'm going to call her once you're dried and able to sit around to make sure you know what's going on. So go hurry up!" He shoo'd me away so I ran upstairs to our room and changed quickly into one of his shirts and came back downstairs, he looked up at me with wide eyes. "I won't ever get over how good you look in my clothes..."

"Just hurry up and call." I laughed and sat on the sofa beside him. He chucked and dialled the phone number on the invitation.

"Hello?" He spoke quietly. I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation, so I sat there wondering what his sister was like, whether she would like me- God what if she didn't? "Elizabeth, say hi."

"Hi." I squeaked, the thoughts on the back of my head.

"Hi, I'm Mali, so you're the girl who helped my brother immensely." You could hear the smile on her face. "I know I'm meant to be talking to Calum, but are you free for coffee tomorrow?"

"I-" I hesitated looking at Calum and he nodded. "Sure."

"It might take the whole day though, is that okay?"

"That's fine." I smiled and Calum pressed a kiss to my forehead grinning like an idiot. "Good, I'll text Calum when."


I tied my hair up in a high pony and applied minimal makeup and brushed out my skirt.

"You look amazing." Calum breathed wrapping his arms around my middle. I smiled closing my eyes and he traced shapes up and down my sides. "You best get going though before you're late."

I nodded and turned to kiss him softly. His lips soft against mine, his hands settling on my hips. He tugged me closer until I pulled away.

"I can't be late to meet your sister now, can I?" I smirked and he groaned quietly.

"Tease." He muttered. I laughed and headed downstairs, grabbing my car keys and drove to meet Mali Koa at the coffee shop.


"A-Are you sure?" I stuttered. "You barely know me..."

"I'm sure." She grinned. "You did amazing things for my brother, and he told me that you risked everything to prove he was innocent. Think of this as a small thank you. Now get in there and try the dress on."

I laughed stumbling into the changing room and the assistant helped me put on the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I thought that it looked too over the top for a maid of honour dress. But when I stepped out Mali and her mother started fussing about me as if I was the one getting married.

"It's so amazing, what is your opinion?" Mali asked, her eyes full of delight.

"I think it's too much like a wedding dress." I spoke quietly. "However it is your wedding, so in the end it's your choice."

"Try this one." She held up another dress, this one was a baby pink. I headed into the changing rooms and the assistant helped again and I stood in awe. I stepped out and Mali squealed excitedly.

"I think this one is better." I spoke. She nodded.

"We'll have this one for you." She smiled. "As long as you don't mind."

"I like this one." I smiled. She smiled and I looked down at the baby pink chiffon love heart dress with the flowers.


"This is the couple dance, if all the couples could make their way to the dancefloor." The DJ spoke and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Calum there.

"Care to dance?" He grinned offering his hand. I nodded and took his hand. We headed to the dancefloor along with Mali Koa and her husband.

We both stood there swaying to the song. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"My family love you." He smiled. "And I love you, you look stunning in that dress."

"I thought they'd hate me in all honesty." I spoke. "I'm just some random girl after all."

"Even so, you're my random girl." He smirked. I laughed rolling my eyes.


A few hours later into the night, and a few drinks later it came to the bouquet toss.

"Everyone get ready!" Mali turned her back and I was slowly being shoved to the front by Mali's mother. "Here you go!"

The bouquet was flying and I reached up to catch it- I wasn't going to fight anyone for it. I felt it brush my fingers and I tightened my grip.

I heard Mali's mother cheer behind me and I turned and saw Calum smirking and reaching for his pocket-

Running Free // Calum Hood AU //Where stories live. Discover now