Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I danced as I cleaned the kitchen, today being a day off- Calum was still working. The music was blasting throughout the house from the one speaker. I stepped out the kitchen as the floor dried. Didn't want to fall and slip. I let out a sigh.

Midday and three rooms had been tidied. I then headed upstairs to my bedroom. I flung open the windows and tied the curtains to the side letting the fresh air come in. I tore off my bed sheets and threw them into a basket and headed down to where the washing machine was. I shoved my sheets in before heading back upstairs and going to Calum's room. I opened his windows as well, tied his curtains back before taking off his bed sheets and picking up the odd pair of socks around his room before putting them into the basket and carrying it down to the washing machine. I shoved them in before putting the liquid soap in and a capsule of fabric softener before leaving that to wash.

I then brought out the hoover and hovered every floor, minus the bathroom and kitchen floor. I sighed. I had ran out of things to do since I had stopped working over time, Calum's orders obviously.

I picked up my phone which had been on charge and saw several missed calls. Calum.

I unlocked my phone and called him back.

"Hello Elizabeth." You could hear his smile.

"What's wrong? Is there an emergency?" I asked, panicked. He wouldn't usually call me so many times without an emergency being present.

"No no, I'm on my lunch break. Just wanted to hear your voice whilst I sat in the back of the shop drinking my coffee." He chuckled.

"You're so cheesy." I sighed. "How has work been?"

"It's been okay, steady flow of things- How has your day been?"

"The whole house is clean." I laughed. "This is why I should be in work, I've had nothing to do except clean."

"What a shame." He laughed. "Does this mean that you're going to cook an amazing meal tonight that's fit for royalty due to the spare time you have?"

"You're getting bread with butter on, I'm getting the meal fit for royalty." I smirked and he whined down the phone.

"You're such an ass." He chuckled. "I've got to go, see you later, I love you." He hung up. I sat there with wide eyes for a solid few seconds. He just said 'I love you'.


I came back from shopping for the night's meal and hung out the bed sheets on the washing line in the back garden and then grabbed my apron and started preparing the meal.

When he walked through the door, I was finishing off cooking. I popped my head out the kitchen as he walked past.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Yeah yeah. It was ok." He spoke, not greeting me with his smile, or any form of eye contact as he made his way to the living room. I frowned slightly at his behaviour and went back to preparing the meal.

I dished it out onto two plates and carried it to the dining table. I took my apron off as I went to the living room. I saw him in the corner of the sofa on his phone.

"Cal, dinner is ready-" I spoke and he stood up, brushing past me and beelined to the table. I sighed quietly.

During the meal he was even more distant.

"Cal, can you pass the salt?" I asked. He looked up briefly and handed me the salt before getting engrossed in his phone again. I sighed quietly.


It was Ten Pm. I was laying in bed, my window open an inch to let the air continue to circulate in my room. Music came from his room and I sighed.

He only played music when he got really sad or stressed. I walked out my room, one of Calum's shirts I had stolen the other day falling down to my mid thigh. I knocked on his door and got no reply so I opened the door quietly and saw him sat on the edge of his bed facing away from me with his head in his hands. I sighed quietly and headed towards him.

"Cal?" I spoke quietly. He didn't reply and I saw his shoulders shake slightly so I crawled over the bed and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He tensed slightly. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing." He chuckled weakly. "W-Why would you think-"

"Because you've been really distant since you got home." I spoke quietly. "You only ever play music this late at night if you're sad, stressed or mad."

"I... I think I confessed to this girl I speak to, and I know she doesn't like me back." He choked out. I sighed rubbing his back.

"How do you know? Have you asked her?"

"No- I'm too scared." He spoke quietly and I sighed kissing his cheek gently.

"Cal, don't worry about it okay?" I sat beside him as he lifted his head. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Whatever happens between you and this girl... I'll always be here for you."

I felt dejected at the thought of him liking someone else. Ever since the kiss in my office, I had fell harder and harder for him-

"Should I ask her?" He asked quietly.

"Of course." I smiled lifting my head. He moved to the middle of his bed and patted the space in front of him.

"You look lonely sat on the edge of the bed there, come join me." He chuckled. I moved to in front of him and he pulled out his phone and started typing. He hesitated before hitting send, in the end he just threw his phone to the side and sighed looking down at his lap.

"Calum, whats-"

"I love you. I meant what I said on the phone earlier." He started. "I fell for you as soon as you walked through the door of the asylum, and the way you didn't shy away from me. I love your bubbly personality, the way your lips felt against mine- I love the way you don't let anyone get you down, and I love the way you fight on when you have your heart set on something. I love you Elizabeth Keys."

I froze in place for a second, letting the words register in my head and with every passing second I saw his face falling.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered. "Please just get out."

I opened my mouth to say something, but the words just wouldn't come out. I leant forwards, coming forwards onto my knees and threw my arms around his neck. He let out a small gasp of shock.

"W-what are you doing?" He stuttered.

"I love you too." I whispered quietly and his arms slowly wrapped around my waist as he laid back so I was on top. I lifted my head and saw his cheeks dusted a pink, I laughed quietly.

"Is it bad I want to kiss you right now?" He asked quietly. I shook my head and he brushed his lips against mine gently, then connected them properly.

Running Free // Calum Hood AU //Where stories live. Discover now