Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I walked through the corridors the next day, the air conditioning had broke so I had my hair tied up high on the top of my head.

"Doctor Keys!" I heard a small voice, I turned and saw Michael there. I smiled and walked over to him. His arms wrapped around me.

"Shouldn't you be in enrichment right now with the nurse?" I asked. He nodded.

"I wanted to find you..." He mumbled and clung to me. I laughed softly.

"You've found me, what is it you wanted Michael?" I asked quietly ruffling the boys hair.

"I made improvement..." He spoke quietly before shaking his head. "Can we... office?"

I nodded and lead him to my office when I let go of him from the embrace.

He sat down on the sofa as I sat in the chair behind my desk and met his eyes.

"I'm leaving, it's temporary-" Michael spoke quietly. "I made a lot of improvement so my parents say I can come home for a month."

"Really? That's so good!" I smiled. "I'm so proud of you Michael."

"I- I wanted to say thank you. My mother..." He trailed off his voice becoming shaky.

"Don't push yourself." I handed him some paper and a pen and he took it and spent a few minutes writing something down.

'When I leave tonight, come to the car with me? I have something for you, as a thank you for helping me even though we hadn't been partnered for long. I improved so much with you compared to other doctors so when my mum visited I got her to buy you something as a thanks but I don't want to come back inside and face this place again for a while.'

I nodded,

"Of course." I smiled. "What time are you leaving?"


I nodded.

"I'll see you then."


I walked Michael out to his car and he started tearing up as he stood beside the car. I looked at him and offered a tissue. He let out a sob.

"I'll miss you." He whispered and he flung his arms around me. I felt myself tear up.

"Take it easy when you get home okay?" I spoke softly. "And if you ever want to meet up or speak, you have my number." I handed him a sticky note with my number scrawled on it. I felt his tears hit my shoulder. I rubbed his back.

"So you're the new doctor who got my boy to open up." I heard another voice, I looked up from the loose embrace and saw who I presumed to be Michael's mother stood there.

"Doctor Elizabeth Keys, but please call me Elizabeth." I offered my hand as Michael broke away from the hug. She took it but pulled me close to her and hugged me tight.

"Thank you, for helping my boy improve." She spoke softly. "And believing in him when no one else did, and being there when he-" She cut herself off.

"It's no problem, Michael was a lovely man to work with." I smiled wide at the green-eyed boy who had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"This is for you." Michael reached into the car and pulled out a small box. He offered it to me and I took it and went to open it. "Don't-" I hesitated and looked up. "Wait until you get inside."

I nodded.

"Well we're going to go, it's going to get late really quick and I'd hate to make you work longer than you need to." His mother spoke again and got into the car. Michael quickly hugged me once more before climbing into the car. I put the box into my pocket and waved them off as they drove out the car park.

I headed towards the building and took steady breaths. I couldn't get emotional, not now.

"Who's my new patient now Doctor Irwin?" I asked quietly as he stood by the receptionist who kept his eyes down when I neared.

"You haven't got one right now, you're just to help out wherever you can and get paperwork done." Doctor Irwin spoke softly. I nodded and headed towards my office. When I got there Calum was lounging on the sofa his eyes closed and his breathing steady.

Was he asleep?

I walked to my desk quietly and opened the box as I sat down, trying to keep quiet just in case he was asleep. There was a single feather on a necklace with Michael's initials engraved on the back along with a 'Thank you' I smiled and clasped it around my neck.

I'd have to thank him next time I spoke to him.

I felt my eyes get heavy and I slumped down in my chair, my eyes closing slowly and I drifted off to sleep.

Running Free // Calum Hood AU //Where stories live. Discover now