Survey Corps

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(Y/N)'s POV
"I give you the top 10 of your class! Number 1: (Y/N)Smith! Number 2: (Y/R)! Number 3: Isabel Toyogashi! Number 4: (B/N) Smith! Number 5 Lavender Jensen! Number 6: Kyle Hajime! Number 7; Jacob Hoover! Number 8: Haru Uzimaki! Number 9: Grace Evans! And Number 10: Aaron Powers!"
(A/N- (B/N) is your younger twin brother, but not identical)
Everyone cheered. (Y/R) glared at me, like I was dirt on her shoes. I glared back until I noticed (B/N) beaming at me, along with my boyfriend, Aaron. I smiled in response as we all headed to our beds in the training camp one last time.
Time skip to morning brought to you by Levi's very fabulous hair.
I woke up and stretched, as feeling the most rested I had ever felt during my time in the training camp. (Just so you know, this is the 105th training corps) After changing into my uniform, I headed to the mess(meal) hall. "(Y/N)! Isn't this amazing? All three of us made the top 10!" (B/N) said happily. I ruffled his hair in response. "Yea, it is pretty great." I said and smiled. Aaron walked over and kissed my cheek. "Hey babe! How're you feelin'?" He said quite cheerfully. "Pretty good." I nodded. "Oh no. It's Jacob and (Y/R)." Said (B/N). (Jacob is kind of like the Jean of the 105th training corps, looks too.) "So, are you still going to join the Survey Corps, Smith?" (Y/R) sneered. "Ya know cutie, you can always join the Military Police like me and we can be together all the time. Maybe make some love." Jacob smirked and licked my ear. "Yes, I am going to join the Survey Corps. And no, I hate your guts, Horse Face. Get a life. I already have a boyfriend." I snapped and slapped him away. Aaron nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulders protectively."Tch. Whatever. You'll probably die anyway." Said Jacob. "Less idiots to deal with if you don't join the same regiment as me!" Said (Y/R) like she owned the place. I stood up and walked towards her. When I was two feet away, (B/N) stepped in between us. "There's no need to fight right now. Everyone needs to choose a regiment. They need quiet." He said. "Whatever. I already know which regiment I'm joining." Said (Y/R) hotly. I looked down at her, since I was taller. "Are you joining the military police like the wimp you are? Yea, I can see that. I'll bet you've never seen a single titan in your life." I sneered. As she grabbed my shirt, we heard a bump against the door. We all turned to see some crazy person with glasses and brown hair pressing her face against the window. One girl shrieked. The woman opened the door and smiled. "Hello my little darlings! So you all are in the 105th training corps! You're all so cute!" She said cheerfully. "What's this? A fight? Well let's see it shall we?" Confused, (Y/R) let go of my shirt. I took the opportunity and flipped her, throwing her towards the wall, and she crashed into it. "Oooohhhhh!!!! I believe this little darling here won!" The woman said and lifted my arm. A handsome man with black hair and steel-gray eyes walked in, and he looked to be about 5'3. "Oi! Glasses! You're scaring the brats!" He said with a straight face. "But Leviiii!!!" She whined. "Tch." "Anyway, which one of you darling trainees was the top of the class?" She asked enthusiastically. "(Y/N), ma'am." Aaron said. "That makes sense." She nodded. "So Levi! What do you think of this years training corps?" "Like I care." He said an walked out. "By the way, you all can call me Hanji." She said. "Um, Hanji, are you in the Survey Corps?" I asked. "Well, yes I am. Why do you ask?" "Me, (B/N), and Aaron want to join." I explained. She nodded as three other members of the Survey Corps walked in. "This place sure brings back memories!" The one with brown hair and green eyes said. The girl with black hair nodded, along with the blonde boy. "Eren!" The black haired girl said and pointed. Eren looked over to see Jacob helping (Y/R) up. "What the heck happened?" Eren asked. "That idiot tried to kill me!" (Y/R) yelled and pointed at me. "Like heck I did!" I snapped back. "U-um, there's no need to fight you two." The blonde said. "Armin, they already fought." The black-haired girl said. "B-but Mikasa!" Armin whimpered. "Wait, you're Mikasa Ackerman! Top of her class in the 104th training corps!" (B/N) said. People swarmed around Mikasa. "Is it true you helped take back the city of Trost?" "Did you really kill a bunch of titans when you were low on gas?" "Is it true that you're in love with Eren Jeager?" Overwhelmed, Mikasa backed away. "WHAT'S ALL THIS COMMOTION ABOUT?" Quickly, the trainees backed off of Mikasa. "That's what I thought." The commandant said. "Let's head to the ceremony ok?" (B/N) suggested. Everyone agreed and we left.

Time skip to the ceremony brought to you by: "WHO ARE YOU CALLIN' A TINY LITTLE PIPSQUEAK!?!?" From a far away land.

(Erwin just made his the speech he made before, and a ton of people, including (Y/R) and Jacob, left.) Wow. That was some speech. Hardly anyone decided to join the Survey Corps. Only me, (B/N), Aaron, Haru, Grace, and 15 other cadets I don't know. The commander came back. (He said whatever he said that one time) Come to think of it, he looks really familiar. But who did he look like? "Here are your uniforms. Welcome to the Survey Corps." We were all handed new jackets and capes. Sweet! I grinned at Grace, who smiled shyly back. "Oh gosh, look Connie!" A girl with a potato in her hand said and pointed at us with her free hand."The new cadets! Sweet!" Said the nearly bald boy named Connie. They both looked at each other and laughed. Connie jumped forward and kissed potato girl. (I ship them, so they're together. I'm sorry if you don't ship it.) I walked away, (B/N) laughed and followed me, and Aaron turned red. We had never actually kissed before, so he got embarrassed whenever he saw a couple kissing. Don't ask me if there's another reason. "Come on Aaron!" I yelled as the couple began to make out. I shook my head. He ran over and tripped, falling next to me. I helped him up, examined his face, and laughed. "You look like a tomato!" I teased. Aaron turned away in embarrassment, and I kept laughing. We all headed to our new dorms and as I got into bed, potato girl walked in. "Hi! I'm Sasha! Sasha Blouse. It's nice to meet you cadet!" She said cheerfully. "I guess you're in the same room as me. This'll be great!" "Uh, yea. Can I go to sleep now?" I asked. "Oh! Yea sure! And welcome to the Survey Corps!" She said. "Thanks." I said and laid down. I heard Sasha rustling in the background, and soon, soft snores filled the room. I can't believe I finally joined the Survey Corps. Tomorrow, I'm going to start looking for my dad. And with that thought, I fell into a peaceful sleep. Mostly.

Hi guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far!!! I'm a crappy writer, but I love to write. Also, this is my first x reader story I've done with the whole (Y/N) thing, so I'm still learning. I hope you'll stay with me as I write this story! Bye!

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