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"This is your uncle." "M-my what!!?" I demanded. "He's your uncle?"Eren asked. "Where were you when my mom died!!?" I screamed."(Y/N), just calm do-" Moblit began, but I cut him off. "I'mnot going to calm down! He didn't do anything when his little sister died, and he certainly didn't take care of me and (B/N) after that!He could have prevented his death! But what did he do when Wall Maria fell!? He stayed behind Wall Sina like the lazy pig he is!" I rampaged. By now I had attracted the attention of ten MP's and all oft he members of the Survey Corps that had come to my trial, which included Captain Levi and my friends, Grace, Sasha, and Isabel. Grace ran over to me and and grabbed me by my shoulders, shaking me lightly. "What has gotten into you!?" She asked, worried. "This stupid man who claims he is my uncle ignored me my entire life, and now he wants me to accept him. At least I knew my father for a time!"I cried. "(Y/N), calm down. We need to talk this out like civil people." Said Erwin. "Yes sir." I said and looked at the ground, and Grace let go of my shoulders. "But I want Captain Levi to be there, and Hanji." I demanded. "Very well." My so-called uncle said. So we all got into a carriage that took us to a huge mansion.

 On the way, I sat in between Hanji and Levi, my uncle and my dad across from us. I glared at my uncle the entire time. And by the looks of it, Levi was as well, since he could only look at Hanji and the ceiling. We were all escorted inside into a lavishly decorated parlor.

 I hate to admit it, but I felt very out of place in my stained skirt and white button up top. We were all seated on couches and chairs. My uncle was in a chair of his own, I sat on a couch with Levi and Hanji, and Erwin was sitting in his own chair as well. There was awkward silence for a little while. A maid came in with a tray with tea and teacups on it. She poured us each a cup and left again.Levi was the only one to pick up a cup, and my stupid uncle raised his eyebrows disapprovingly at the way he picked it up. Levi took a sip and looked satisfied. It must be black tea. "So what do you want?" I demanded. "Over the years, you have grown quite beautiful, (Y/N). I don't have a child, and I need an heir. I want you to marry someone wealthy and keep my name alive." My uncle said, trying to ignore Levi. "And just what makes you think I would do that? If I had wanted to find you, which I didn't, I would have.So, the answer is no." I said, crossing my arms and leaning back,crossing my legs. "And I don't want an arranged marriage, anyway."I added. He took a deep breath, only for Levi to speak first. 

"Cadet Smith obviously joined the Survey Corps to find her father, not the Military Police to find you." He said, putting his teacup backdown. "We don't want her to leave. She's an excellent soldier, top of her class." Hanji declared, her glasses flashing in the light."I agree." Said Erwin. "(Y/N), why are you so silent?" Hanji asked. I looked at her and then to my uncle. "I changed my mind. I'll do what you ask, on one condition. I can leave if I change my mind." I said. "What!!?" Hanji, Levi, and Erwin exclaimed in unison, standing up. Levi looked really mad, Hanji worried, and Erwin was a mix between. "Excellent." Said my uncle. "You can call me Uncle Palmer." (It's a real name) "(Y/N), are you sure about this? Do you have a fever?" Hanji asked, putting her hand on my forehead. 

"Sure I'm sure. What's the point of real love anyway? I always lose what I love. Aaron, my mom, my brother, and so many more things." I said, also standing up. "(Y/N), why did you join the Survey Corps in the first place, if you could leave so easily?"Erwin asked. I looked at him. "To find my father, which I did. Idid plan on staying, but I hate it now. I've been assaulted, tried,depressed, afflicted, and fearful because of the Scouts." I said.He looked taken aback, and he didn't respond. "If you all would kindly leave." I requested, crossing my arms. A"Tch." from Levi, a hug goodbye from Hanji, and nothing but a sad side glancefrom Erwin. Before Levi left, he slapped my hand and it had something in it. I felt eerily empty after I heard the door shut. I looked at my hand and saw the necklace that my father gave me when I was five years old, and he left without coming back. A tear slipped down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away, before my uncle saw. A maid escorted me to a lavish bedroom, where I cried myself to sleep.

 I woke up the next morning to someone opening the curtains and letting to much sunlight in. I hissed and ducked under the silk blanket,trying to sleep for longer, but the maid threw the blanket off of me and said: "It is time to get out of bed and begin your studies,Milady." She said. "What studies?" I asked, rubbing my eye."Etiquette, dance, manners, and horseback riding." She said."That seems like a lot." I said. "It would be a lot more if you hadn't done military training. I presume they taught you things such as math and history, correct?" "Uh, yeah." "Very well. Your schedule today is as follows: breakfast at nine am, etiquette at nine-thirty am, manners at ten-thirty am, a luncheon with the commander of the Survey Corps at twelve-" But I cut her off. "The commander of WHAT!!?" I demanded, shooting out of bed. "The Survey Corps, Milady." She said, somewhat annoyed that I cut her off. "I can't eat with him!" I whimpered. "And why ever not?"She asked. "That's my dad! And after what happened yesterday, I'm not ready to face him yet!" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry, but it is to late to cancel." She said stiffly. "Great..." I muttered. "Anyway, you lessons will be very difficult for a few days sincethere is a ball coming up for you to meet your future husband. The few elites of the three military regiments will be in attendance. You will need to perfect the waltz by then." She said. As she continued with my busy days, I drank a cup of tea and kind of zoned out.Afterwards, I bathed and was dressed in a floor length light pink dress with elbow length sleeves and ribbons on the edge.

 After I ate breakfast, I had grueling lessons, but I slept very well that night,despite the fact that I missed the military training. But this is how the lunch with my father went. 

We were silent almost the entire time.Near the end, he tried to convince me to come back to the Survey Corps, but I refused. We went our separate ways after a heated argument, making me late for my horseback riding lesson. It was pretty much a disaster, just like the most of the expeditions of theSurvey Corps.

1265 words. Dang. Anyway, I have a lot of ideas for future chapters, so I think the next one will come out on December 1st, or earlier. Thank you for 3.6k reads, it means a lot to me. I'll see you next chapter!

Commander Erwin's Daughter [Levi x Reader] ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now