The Morning After

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up with a start and my eyes widened when I saw Levi's head resting on my chest and I noticed that we were both naked.

"What happened?" I mumbled, and then I remembered, making my face turn red. I examined Levi's face carefully, making sure he was asleep. When I was sure, I slowly pushed his head off of me and sat up. But as soon as I scooted forward to get out of the bed, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.

He rested his head on my shoulder and pressed his body against mine. "Do you really think you can leave after that, cadet?" Levi asked. "I was just getting out of bed." I said and smiled softly. He took a deep breath and sighed, smiling contently.

"I have to go train." I said softly. "Mmm.. stay a little longer." He mumbled. I put my hands on his and and he snuggled into me more. Suddenly, he pulled me onto the bed and turned my body to face his. My eyes widened as he put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. "Levi-" I began, only to be cut off by him kissing me deeply. He ran his hands down my back sensually and I moaned into the kiss. He broke it and moved to my neck, leaving even more marks.

"L-Levi, not already, we just did it last night." I stuttered. He looked at me with a devilish smile. "So what?"

1 hour later...

Levi was asleep again, so I decided to take the oppurtinuity to get out of bed. I quickly located my clothes and put them on. I found his as well, so I folded them up neatly and placed them on the chair next to his bed. As I opened the door to leave, I heard Levi stir. "Where do you think you're going, cadet?" He asked. I turned around to face him. "You know you aren't supposed to go anywhere without me, right? Or did you forget again?" He continued, getting out of bed and walking towards me.

"Levi! You're still naked!" I exclaimed and shut the door. I pointed at the chair. "I put your clothes over there." For once, he actually listened to me and put his clothes on. I sighed in relief. "Shall we go?" I asked and opened the door, walking out. Levi followed me and shut the door behind him.

I took his hand and we walked through the hallway together. After a minute or two, we ran into Sasha. We quickly let go of each other before she could see. "(Y/N)! There you are!" She beamed. "Hey Sasha, what's up?" I asked. "The commander is looking for you two! He's in his office." She said. "Oh really? Thank you." I said and quickly started walking towards my dad's office. Just before I got there, Levi stopped me. "(Y/N), I need to ask you something." He said, taking my hands in his. "What is it?" I asked, confused. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with confidence, looking me straight in the eye. I was speechless. "I-um-yes!" I exclaimed and hugged him.

While we embraced. The door nearby flew open. "LEVI!!!"

Hi guys! I'm sorry for so much delay. I had writers block really bad and I had no idea how to follow up the last chapter. I have the next chapter outlined and it'll be up in a week or two, but I'll aim for 3-4 days from now. Thank you for your patience!

Commander Erwin's Daughter [Levi x Reader] ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now