The Ball

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This is the dress you're wearing and your hairstyle. If your hair is short or you don't like it, just imagine the hairstyle you want:)
Let us begin!

(Y/N)'s POV
After days of grueling lessons, the night of the ball finally came. As I was in my room getting ready, I heard the sound of carriage doors shutting, horses trotting, and people talking. But through all of the voices, one voice in particular stood out from the rest. "WOOOO!!" Yep, Hanji was here, no doubt about it. I sighed. She never changes, does she? I was actually surprised that my uncle invited her. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "M'lady, may I come on?" Said a female voice. "Yes, of course." I said, turning to face the door. A maid came in and bowed her head. "Are you ready miss?" She asked. "It is time to go to the ball." "Yes, I'm ready." I said. She led me out of my room to another door. I stood there waiting a few seconds, and I heard: "Introducing Lady (Y/N) Smith!" And the doors opened. I walked the few steps to the top of the marble staircase and curtsied. Everyone clapped and I walked down the stairs, lifting my skirt a bit so that I wouldn't trip. When I reached the bottom, I curtsied again and surveyed the room, seeing only a few familiar faces. Levi, Erwin, and Hanji. I was surprised when I saw a man that looked like Eren, but I knew that couldn't be true. Besides. This man has black hair, and Eren has brown hair.I guess I just miss him. "Let the first dance commence!" Someone shouted. Almost every man in the room came up to be and asked me to dance, Levi being one of them. I accepted Levi's invitation and we began to waltz. He looked down at me(though he was only an inch or so taller) and spoke. "If I were to marry you, would you come back to the Scouts? You're a valuable comrade." He said, his face expression as cold and stony as ever. "What kind of question is that? Do you even have a heart, Captain?" I asked sarcastically. "Still as sassy as ever, I see." He said. "Even with all those lessons in manners." Before I could say anything, our dance together ended, and someone else asked me to dance. It was a very handsome man in expensive clothing and looked full of himself. His arm snaked around my waist and he took my hand, pulling me way to close to his body. He felt a lot different than Levi. Not to mention that he was about 6 feet tall, and I'm like, 5'2 or something. "Excuse me, sir, you're making me uncomfortable, being so close and all." All he did was pull me even closer, if that was possible. "Don't worry my pet, I'll take good care of you." He said, creeping me out even more. "Pet!? I'll have you know that I am an independent adult!" I fumed. "Oh really? I mistook you for a child." He said, smiling. That only ticked me off even more. I tried to pull away, but his grip was too tight. "Excuse me sir, might I cut in? A familiar voice asked. The man looked angry, but he stomped away without a word, "Thank you si-" I began. "Eren!?" I asked as he put his hand on my waist and took my hand in his. "Shh! Your uncle can't know." He said. "Why are you here?" I demanded silently. "You have to come back to the Survey Corps, (Y/N). I know you miss it. All your friends miss you, and even Mikasa misses you!" He said, concern clearly in his eyes and voice." But I don't know if I can just leave..." I trailed off. "Why not? Just say Levi is your betrothed, and you're free!" He said. "Eren... I think that's the smartest thing you've ever said." I said, smirking a bit. "Hey!" He whisper-shouted. I winked and stuck my tongue out playfully. "But there is a flaw to that plan." I said, biting my lip. "What?" "My uncle wants me to marry rich, and what does Levi have?" I said. "Oh: I didn't think about it that way. Well I guess we'll have to go with plan B then." Eren said, grinning. "Plan B!?" I asked, confused. Eren didn't say anything and just looked up at the rafters. I had to hold in my surprise. Survey Corps soldiers! "What are they doing here!?" I whispered harshly. "Well, Captain Levi thought you might not want to come back, so he arranged for some Survey Corps members to bring you back." He said. I was to shocked to say anything. As soon as we reached the middle of the room, someone swooped down and picked me up, flying out of the window. It was Bertolt! "Bertl! It's so good to see you again!" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. He didn't say anything, as he was busy concentrating.   Soon we flew over Wall Sina and before I knew it, we were at the Survey Corps' base. "It's good to be home!" I said, stretching after we landed. A few other members of the Survey Corps landed. "Where's Levi, Eren, Erwin, and Hanji?"I asked. "They're on their way." Said Marco. I decided to stay outside and wait for them.

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