This wasn't supposed to happen

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(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up and stretched, remembering what happened last night. "Meet me in my office after breakfast tomorrow." That's right! I should probably get up. I jumped out of bed and put on my uniform, then headed to the mess hall. I got breakfast and sat down at an empty table. As I began to eat, someone sat down next to me. It was Jean. I ignored him and continued to eat. "(Y/N), about last night." He began. "I don't want to talk to you, Jean." I said quietly. He ignored me and scooted closer to me. "I just wanted to tell you that I don't regret what I did to you last night. In fact, I would do anything to see you in that helpless position again." He whispered into my ear. His hand touched my butt and he groped it a bit. "Come on. You know you want it." He said, his voice turning husky. "I SAID I don't want to talk to you, horse-face!" I exclaimed and stood up, catching the people in the room's attention. I pulled a black knife out of my breast pocket and flipped the blade out, pointing it at Jean. It was only a few centimeters away from his neck. Gasps filled the room and five people rushed over to restrain me. Those people being Bertolt, Marco, Sasha, Isabel, and Eren. "What the heck is going on in here?" Levi demanded, walking into the room. He looked around and his eyes widened when he saw a knife on the floor next to my feet, me being restrained, and Jean with a frightened expression, on the floor. Levi walked up to me and stared down at me menacingly, him being an inch taller then me and all. "Smith. Just what reason did you have to threaten him? What drove you to do this?" He demanded. I looked back into his eyes. "Sexual harassment again, sir." I said. Levi whipped his head around to see Jean trying to sneak away. "Kirstein! What did I tell you?" He demanded. "I-I didn't do anything sir! We were just talking!' Jean cried desperately. "Does anyone know what happened?" Levi demanded and surveyed the room. Everyone stepped back. "I don't think anyone saw, Heichou." Eren said. "I see. Hoover, take her to a cell. Kirstein, meet me in my office in five minutes. Jeager, Isabel, guard her cell with Hoover. Bodt, tell the Military Police. Blouse, tell the Commander to go to the dungeon. As for the rest of you brats, back to your duties." Levi ordered. He closed the knife and walked out. Bertolt took me to a cell in the dungeon, and he stood in front of it with Isabel and Eren. I sat on the chair and crossed my arms. "Hey, (Y/N), what did you mean by sexual harassment... again?" Eren asked. I sighed. "Last night, Jean and Reiner tried to rape me." I said. Bertolt looked even more shocked then Isabel and Eren. "R-Reiner? H-he would never do something like that!" He cried. I shrugged. "Why don't you ask him yourself?" I said and tilted my head. Bertolt looked over by the stairs to see Reiner. "Bertolt! There you are! I was looking for you!" He said and walked over. Bertolt didn't say anything, and his eyes were shaded. Reiner put his hand on Bertolt's shoulder. "Hey, buddy,what's wro-" "How could you!" Bertolt shouted. "How could I wha-" "How could you try to rape (Y/N)! She's a good friend of mine! How could you do that after she saw her brother and her boyfriend get killed in the same expedition!?" He demanded. Eren, Isabel, Reiner, and I were all shocked. Bertolt never raised his voice. "Bertolt, what's gotten in to you?" Reiner asked, taking a step back. "I should like to know as well." A familiar voice said. I'm in trouble. "Commander Erwin, sir!" Eren exclaimed and saluted. Everyone else also saluted, except for me. I didn't see the point. "At ease. Now, Cadet Hoover, what exactly is going on here?"Erwin said. "U-uh, I'm sorry sir! I got angry and I couldn't hold it in anymore!" Bertolt squeaked. "Oh?" Erwin asked, raising an eyebrow. "And just what was it that made you angry?" "WellthetruthissirReinerandJeantriedtorape(Y/N)lastnight!" Bertolt exclaimed. "Bertolt!" I cried. I was going to tell him myself when we met in his office! Or maybe not tell him at all. Bertolt ran away without a second thought. "THEY WHAT!?!?!?" Erwin screamed. He walked quickly towards Reiner and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Reiner was now a few inches above the ground. "Commander Erwin, sir! Please restrain yourself!" Eren cried. "Reiner Braun, is it? You and Jean Kirstein have earned yourselves a two month suspension from the Survey Corps. I don't want to see your faces until that time is over, understand?" Erwin growled. Reiner nodded profusely and Erwin dropped him onto the ground. Reiner scrambled up and fled up the stairs. "Now, (Y/N), why are you here?" Erwin asked. I didn't answer. He walked up to my cell wrapped his hands around the bars. "Listen to me, young lady." He said. "Hmph." I pouted. "Self defense, sir. Against Jean Kirstein, for sexual harassment." "What!? How many times did he do that to you?" Erwin asked. "Only twice, dad." I sighed. "Wait, dad!?" Eren exclaimed. "Yes, Eren." I replied. "When I said that (B/N) looked like him, I was just joking around!"Before we could say anything, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and then four figures loomed into view. Erwin turned towards them. I looked out and saw two MPs that I thought I would never see again. Jacob and (Y/R). Hanji and Marco tagged along as well. Lovely. This was not what was supposed to happen today.

Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update! School sucks. Summer is starting for me soon, so I'll be able to update my stories more often. Also, in case you forgot, I'm putting out a new one-shots and lemons book, and I now have a release date. July 6, 2017. If you have any requests, just let me know! Also, what are your thoughts on the new season?

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