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A few days later, I was transferred to the inner wall, Wall Sina. I waskept in a cell until further notice, guarded by two military policename Marlowe and Hitch. "I'm telling you, Hitch, I'm going to makethe Military police better. That's a fact." Marlowe said. "Sure,Marlowe, and I'll be the queen of the walls. Face it, unless you get the power to do it, there's nothing you can do." The girl said,shrugging. Marlowe grumbled something, crossed his arms, and turned his head away from her. "You know, Marlowe, I heard that this girl is here because she tried to murder a more experienced member of theSurvey Corps." Hitch said, smirking. "I'm sure that it wasn't that extreme. By the looks of her, she only threatened him." He said, still turned away. All of a sudden, a very familiar person slammed her face against the bars. I sighed. "Hello, Hanji." Isaid, shaking my head. She pulled away, brushing her pants off. "Alrighty, sweetheart. Moblit and I have been assigned a lovely task today. Commander Nile told us to escort you to the courtroom."She said. Hitch unlocked the door, and Hanji led me out. "Don't be nervous. The Survey Corps is on your side." She whispered in my ear. I nodded. We arrived at the doors, and Hanji pushed me into the room. My hands were tied, and they made me kneel on the ground. (Like Eren's trial.) The judge, Darius Zackly, came in and sat at the judges stand. There was silence for a minute, until the judge broke the silence by clearing his throat. "(Y/N) Smith of the Survey Corps, you have charges of physical assault to a one Jean Kirstein,threatening his very life." He began. "It's not like horseslive very long anyway..." I thought, mentally smiling to myself. "Is this true?" He asked."Yes, sir, but it was a means of self-def-" "Right. Firstwitness, Eren Yeager, please step forward. Eren stood up and saluted."Sir, I have a reason to believe that (Y/N) was only doing this in self-defense against a sexual predator." He said and sat down. "I see. Jean Kirstein, please step forward." Said the judge. Jeanstood up and saluted. "Jean Kirstein. What happened that day?" Heasked. Jean relaxed and said, "Sir, she tried kill me, and all I was doing was talking to her." "You're on probation from the Scout Regiment. Why is this?" Darius asked. Jean didn't say anything and looked at his feet. Coward. "If I can interrupt." A familiar voice said, but no one could tell where the voice came from. Levi cleared his throat, and several military police officers stepped aside, letting him through. "I am a witness of the event that has Kirstein on probation. He and another man known as Reiner Braun sexually assaulted Cadet Smith in a small locked room. I kicked the door down and caught them in the act. I let them off with a warning.Braun listened, but Kirstein did not. I spoke to Grace Evans, and she saw that the next morning that Kirstein forgot how to keep his hands tohimself." He explained. "Is Grace Evans present?" Darius asked,surveying the room. "Yes." She said in her timid voice and stepped forward. "Grace Evans. Is what the Captain said true?"Inquired Darius. "Yes sir." She nodded. "Thank you. Now, (Y/N) Smith. You are cleared of all charges with the condition that you are supervised at all times." He said. "Yes sir." I said, relieved."Erwin Smith will assign the man for the task. Jean Kirstein and Reiner Braun will not be taken off of probation. Case closed." He said and banged the mallet twice. Hanji came over and cut the ropes and Irubbed my wrists. I looked at my father and he smiled. Hanji escorted me out of the room, and we met Commander Erwin outside of the building, talking to a chubby man. They seemed to be arguing about something. "Stay here with Moblit, (Y/N)." Hanji said. I noddedand she walked over to the fighting pair. After a few minutes theyall came over to Moblit and I, and Eren had joined us. "(Y/N).Erwin said. "Yes, Dad?" I inquired. "This is your uncle."

I'M ALIVE! I hope you like this chapter. I'll try to update again soon. Bye! 

Commander Erwin's Daughter [Levi x Reader] ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now