Defending the Survey Corps

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Levi, it's good to see you. We have a problem," Erwin said.

"And what is it?" Levi asked, clearly annoyed.

"The King wants to shut the Survey Corps down."

"He what???" Levi demanded
"But he can't do that!" I exclaimed.

"He's the king, (Y/N), he can technically do whatever he pleases," Hanji said, more serious than I had ever seen her before.

"We have to defend our case, and I can't do it alone," Erwin said, "and I need your help, Levi."

"Do we have a trial to do so?" Levi asked.
"We are to report to the palace in a fortnight from today."
"Then we'd better get started, yes?"

I don't think any of us slept that night, we were all too busy trying to figure out how to support our case.

Finally, it was the day of the event. Every soldier was nervous, even our bravest men and women. It was decided that Levi and Erwin would be the ones to present our defense, and no other soldier would speak unless spoken to. 

The King sat quite mightily on his throne, trying to stare us down with his piercing gaze. "Present your case to me, and I shall decide the Survey Corps' fate,"he said firmly.

"Your majesty, the Survey Corps has been slaying titans for many, many years now. If we were to abruptly stop this process, our kingdom would sit more helpless than it already is. we must stand and fight against these monsters, or we will be driven to extinction," Erwin said, bowing his head in respect. 

"And what of the men who die for this cause?" the king asked, "and all of their families? I will not stand idly by and watch my subjects be killed by these forces of evil, just because you believe that it is effective."

Before Erwin or Levi could respond, the king spoke again.

 "I will also not fail to mention that your branch of our military contains criminals and ill-tempered misfits; and not good, orderly soldiers," he said, looking at Levi, Isabel and I. I looked at Levi and he glanced back, gnashing his teeth in anger. I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.  

"Our men and women are skilled fighters, they have trained just as much as the Military Police and the Garrison. Their pasts don't matter anymore. They have dedicated their lives to defending this kingdom, and the Survey Corps will not rest until we have taken Wall Maria back and slayed every titan that roams this world," Levi spoke, his steel eyes burning with determination. 

The king's eyebrows raised in consternation. "Bold words coming from a man of criminal background," He said, laughing in amusement.  

"As my associate said, background means nothing. Why should the only ones fighting for this land be privileged and well-mannered? The most honorable thing a man can do is lay down his life for others in order to protect them. Our men's sacrifices may seem small and meaningless to some, but they all died as heroes while the noble folk sat in cowering behind Wall Sina, trying to make these men who sacrificed for them seem so little," Erwin spoke.

The king was speechless in anger. 
"We shall hold a brief intermission, and return to this matter in a half an hour," the king said, leaving the room in a rush.

Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I'd like to thank you all for 52k reads!! I really don't deserve it and I appreciate it so much. I hope you'll all still support me as this book comes to a close, and that you'll enjoy the ending!

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