First Expedition

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(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up and looked around. At first I was confused. Then I remembered what happened yesterday. I finally joined the Survey Corps. Sasha was already gone and only one other bed had someone in it. I looked at her face. She was really cute. I looked at the picture next to her. She was with Lance Corporal Levi and a man with dirty blonde, spiky hair. It looks like she wrote on it. It said: Levi-bro, Farlan, and Isabel. She must be Isabel. (I decided to make Isabel alive) As I turned around, she stirred. "Is that you Levi-bro?" She asked sleepily. "No, it's not. I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you Isabel!" I said. "How do you know my name?" "I saw your picture. By the way,everyone is gone. You should get up soon." I said a walked out of the room. I heard her scramble out of bed and fall on the floor. As I was nearing the mess hall, I heard running footsteps behind me. I turned around to Isabel, who rammed into me. "Isabel!" I yelled. "Oops! Sorry!" She said sheepishly. Someone came from the mess hall and looked at us. "You two better hurry up and get breakfast. We have an expedition today!" She said. "And if you two make it, you'll probably be on cleaning duty for a week because of Heichou." "Sorry Petra!"Isabel said. Petra nodded and walked away. Quickly I followed Isabel into the mess hall to see two people fighting. One was Eren, and the other one was... Jacob? "You're going down Eren!" Jacob? yelled. "Like heck I will! You're the one who'll be eating the floor Jean!" Eren yelled back. So that's someone different. Thank goodness. I quickly got my food and sat down. As I began to eat, I sensed someone behind me. I slowly turned around to see a very tall, raven-haired man, but he had a sweet kind of look to his face. He smiled. "Can I sit next to you?" He asked. "Uh, yea, sure." I hesitated. "Thank you very much." He said and sat down next to me. "I'm Bertolt Hoover. It's nice to meet you." "I'm (Y/N) Smith. It's nice to meet you too, Bertolt." "(Y/N), was there someone named Jacob in the training corps?" He asked. "Yes. He was always hitting on me." I said. "I see. Do you know which regiment he joined?" "Military Police." I said. "He was 7th in his class." He nodded. "Did you make the top ten?" He asked. "Yea." I replied. "Which rank?" "First." I practically whispered. Before he could say anything, I heard: "There she is!!!"(Hanji) "(Y/N)!" Aaron called. "(B/N) and I have been looking for you everywhere!" "I'm coming!" I called back and stood up. "Bye Bertolt. It was nice meeting you." He nodded, since he had food in his mouth. I walked over to Aaron and (B/N), and we headed to the stables.
•Very short time skip to after the stables•
I walked into my room, nervous. I quickly put on my ODM gear and my green cloak, walked out again, and I passed Isabel, who looked completely fine, as if this was an everyday thing. When I got outside, I was the only one there. I must be early. I walked to the stables to get my horse when I saw Heichou struggling to get on his horse. I held back a laugh. He looks so cute! As he swung his leg over, he fell on the ground. Quickly, he sprung back up and wiped off his pants, looking around. As he looked my way, I realized I hadn't hidden myself. I was in plain view! Crap. "Hey, you! New girl! What exactly do you think you're doing?" He asked sternly. I saluted(you know, the thing) and said: "I was just coming to get my horse, sir!" "I see. Well get the dumb thing already." He said. "Sir, yes, sir!" (I don't know guys, I'm sorry.) as I walked past him, he grabbed my shirt. "If you tell anyone what just happened, you'll regret it for the rest of your life, brat." He whisper-shouted. "Yes captain!" I replied, and he let go. Boy is he scary. "Oi! What's your name brat?" He asked as I walked away. "(Y/N) Smith, sir." I said casually, without turning around. He didn't say anything, and I entered the stables to get my horse.
Time skip to beginning of the expedition (I'm sorry for all the time skips)
"ADVANCE!" Commander Erwin yelled. After a split second,everyone was moving forward, including me. I looked at Aaron, who was sweating and had a worried look on his face. We made eye contact, and I nodded confidently. He smiled slightly and looked forward as we passed through the gate. At first, I was blinded by the sunlight, but then I looked around. The outside of the walls looks so beautiful! After about 10 minutes of riding, we heard: "Titan of the 6 meter class has been spotted!",a red flare visible. As we rode on, we saw a dead titan, steam coming from it's carcass. "Any deaths?" Levi asked. "None yet, Captain." The man replied. "Then keep going!" Levi ordered. That's right! Aaron, me, and (B/N) were all in Levi's squad. As the other group disappeared, I heard giant footsteps and turned my had back to look. An abnormal titan of the 10 meter class was running straight for us! "Abnormal of the 10 meter class spotted!" Someone yelled and shot a black flare. As I urged my horse forward, Aaron shot his ODM gear towards the titan and flew towards it. "Aaron! No!" I screamed. "Powers! What are you doing? Are you an idiot!?" Levi yelled. As he got close to the titan, it grabbed him with his hand. "AARON!" I screamed. "(Y/N)!!" He yelled. "Help me!" I felt tears flow down my cheeks as the titan put Aaron in its mouth and ate him, his arm falling to the ground. I screamed and shot my ODM gear at the titan. Tears streaming down my face, I dodged its hand and sliced its arm. Then I cut its feet and hands off, and slashed anywhere I could. Finally, I cut its nape and it fell, dead. I fell to my knees, ignoring the blood I was covered in. "AARON!!!!" I screamed. (B/N) came over and hugged me, crying as well, since they were best friends. Everyone surrounded us, still on their horses.
Levi's POV
I just watched Cadet Powers get eaten, and Cadet Smith went into god mode. It reminded me of when Farlan died, and I went nuts. This girl really is something.
(Y/N)'s POV
I can't believe Aaron is really gone. I don't think (B/N) can either. I found Aaron's arm, and we're riding again. I refused to let go of it, and Levi gave in, so we headed out again. After a strange half hour of no titans, we reached a town, where other squads were. "I guess this is where we are camping tonight." Said Levi. "Come on brats!" We all followed him to the tents and we tethered our horses. "(Y/N)?" I turned to see my brother. "Yea, what is it?" I asked. "I just thought you should know, Aaron said he was going to propose to you after this expedition. I'm sorry." He said. I looked at him, and I felt more tears stream down my face. (B/N) sat next to me and we looked at the sky. "There you are! I was wondering where you two went!" A familiar voice said from behind. We decided not to turn around, and Hanji walked around us so we could see her, and her smile faded. "What's wrong? Did something happen? Where's Aaron?" She asked. "H-he died Hanji." I whispered. "What!? But how?" "Hey, glasses! Leave the brats alone. They obviously need some time." Levi said. "Fine! But this is for them, not you Levi!" Hanji said and walked away. Commander Erwin walked over a few minutes later. "Cadets (B/N) and (Y/N), correct?" He asked. We both nodded. "Hanji just told me. I'm very sorry for your loss." He said. "Thank you sir." (B/N) said. I nodded. He smiled slightly and walked to his tent.

Time skip to the next day

Nightmares had kept me up most of the night. It didn't help that three titans showed up at different times when we we trying to sleep. Hanji killed the first one, Levi killed the second one, and I killed the third one. As we rode out again, I wished that we could go back behind the walls. I kept Aaron's arm in a cloth on my back, under my cloak. I was in the very back of the formation, since I didn't want to be near anyone. I noticed Eren slow down until he was riding next to me. "Hey, (Y/N), right?" He asked. I nodded. "About yesterday. I'm sorry about Aaron. But why did you get so emotional? Was he your brother? A close friend?" "He was my boyfriend, and my brother told me that he was going to propose after this expedition." I said and looked at the sky. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eren looked shocked. "If you don't mind me asking, who is your brother anyway?" He said. "Him." I said and pointed at (B/N). "Oh! (B/N)! Is is just me, or does he kind of look like Commander Erwin? You know, with the eyebrows and blonde hair." I looked at (B/N) and something inside me clicked. "Yea. He kind of does." I said and smiled slightly. "Hey! Brats! This is no time to slack off! Be on your guard!" Levi yelled. "Yes, Heichou!" We called in unison. That day, our squad killed 30 titans and no one died. The next day, as we were headed back, we killed 20 titans, but something happened. And of course, it was raining. As we entered the gates, I looked around for my brother, who had been put in a different squad for the last day. After a few minutes, weary-looking cadet walked up to me. "(Y/N) Smith, correct?" He asked. "Yes." I replied. "Is something the matter?" "Could you come with me?" He asked. I nodded and he took me to the body cart. My eyes widened when he revealed my brother's body, and it was practically crushed to nothing. "A titan grabbed (B/N) and crushed him before I could save him. I'm very sorry." He said, tears falling. "Sir, may I ask your name?" I asked, holding back tears. "I'm Marco. Marco Bodt." He said. (OUR FAVORITE FRECKLED BOY IS ALIVE AND HEALTHY!!! YEAAAA BUDDY! Sorry, ruined the moment.) "Thank you, Marco." I said and picked up my brother's body. "Wait, are you sure about this? They always burn the bodies together." Marco protested. "I'm sure. Besides. I'm already burying my boyfriend's arm." I said. "I might as well." "I'm so sorry. You've been through a lot." He said and looked away. I quickly ran to my horse and got on, putting (B/N)'s body in front of me. "(Y/N), wait! Where are you going?" Eren yelled. "To Trost!" I yelled back. "I'm coming with you!" He yelled. "Just wait for me!" "You'll have to catch up! I can't wait any longer!" I screamed. "I'll see you then!" He yelled and ran away. By the time it was dark, I made it to Trost, under the willow tree where I met Aaron. Eren just caught up to me, and be fell off his horse. "(Y/N)! Sorry I couldn't catch up to you until now!" He said. "I had to talk to Captain Levi!" "That's fine." I said quietly and dismounted my horse. "What's that on your horse?" He asked. "(B/N)'s dead body." I said and began to cry. "H-he died?" He stuttered and walked over to me. I nodded. "Why are we at this willow tree?" He asked. "This is where (B/N) and I met Aaron. It's very precious to us." I said. "After all, they were best friends." Quickly, I reached into the hole in the tree and pulled out a shovel. "Why was that there?" Eren asked, shocked. "We used to dig holes in our neighbors yards at night. This is where we hid the shovel." I said. "Is that so?" A familiar voice said. Eren and I turned around to see Levi, Sasha, and Bertolt. "Listen up kiddos. This is the part where you tell me exactly what's going on right now." Levi said.

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