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Out at the cherry blossom tree, there they were. It was too late so I decided to listen anyway.
"Baaka!" Osana teases senpai AGAIN!

He chuckles sheepishly and rubs the back of his head.

"S-so... do you have like a crush or something? I- I don't care if you do! I don't like you or anything so don't get any ideas! Baka!" Osana blushes and looks away.

"Aww, why does it matter, Osa-chan?" Senpai smirked.

"D-don't call me that!" She folded her arms.

"Why not? That was your nickname when we were younger." Senpai smiled.

"We're not kids anymore, Taro!" She whacked his head.

"Owowoww, okay!" He held his head in pain.

"Do you have a crush or not?! I don't have all day, baka!" Osana rolled her eyes impatiently.

My heart started beating fast as he opened his mouth to answer.

"No-" my heart stopped, "but this one weird girl follows me around. I think she's stalking me." He shivered at the thought of me.

"Oh! You mean Ayanoooo... Aishi?" She asked.

"Yeah. She's like a psycho stalker." He laughed.

"Maybe she likes you." Osana giggled.

"I would never date a psycho!" He chuckled playing along. My heart broke. I had to hear it from his mouth. It hurt.

"Budo seems to like her though." Osana said sounding confused.

"Martial arts club Budo?" Senpai asked.

"Who else, BAKA?!" Osana yelled and whacked him.

I zoned out. It hurt to know that. He thinks I'm a freak and a psycho. I can't even snap. Anger boiled inside of me but I couldn't find the energy to snap. Tears welled up in my eyes instead. I look up and they're kissing under the cherry blossom tree. The tears rolled down my cheek. I took out my phone and texted Info-chan.

"I'm done. I'm not hurting anyone anymore." I blinked and tears rolled down my cheek onto my screen and turned my phone off. I walked home and went to my room. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Im back to an empty shell. I wanna die. I close my eyes so that tomorrow appears faster.

I just want a life where people love me instead...

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