Now ya'll know I live in Maryland. And y'all know Maryland is apart of the DMV. That means Virginia is pretty close. And y'all know I'm black. And y'all also have to know about the Alt-right, white supremacy, and neo-nazi gathering from yesterday.
Unfollow and un add my story if you need to but I can't with this whole "fight with love". They've just proven how they want POC dead. That racist shit can stay as far away from me as possible but I won't hesitate to call anyone out. At this point, I'm also gonna say fuck the police.
If you already know why then good. If you don't, black protesters for black lives matter protests get beaten, tear gassed, pepper sprayed, shot at, and arrested for their peaceful gatherings. Police will antagonize the crowd just to attack. At this racist rally, those fuck bitches were pushing and shoving officers, carrying torches, nazi saluting, shouting racial slurs, carrying guns, and attacking POC while the police stood there and watched. That was white privilege in plain sight. If you think you still don't see it then I don't know what to tell you. There's no love anymore. There never was any to begin with.
Condolences to the woman who died because a stupid racist fuck drove his car into the anti-protesters and there was a man who got attacked by the racists as well. This topic needed to be addressed and it does affect me. I'm gonna end in this: Black Lives Matter.
P.S. Remember to punch racists and neo nazis, burn confederate and nazi flags, and even dox them. Make their lives hell. 😊😊
FanficAyano is tired of following Senpai and having him ignore her and call her weird. For once, she wants to be noticed and loved. She gets her wish after walking to school one morning. The girls she once hated over senpai are males... they also like her...