Starting the new school.

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Chapter 3.

I woke up having so much thought’s in my head. I drove to school in my red Camaro. I drove into the parking lot with every one staring at me. I think it was because of my car. I parked my car. And went straight to the office to hand in my form’s. I got the number for my locker. And went straight there. And guess who was right beside me. Jake. “Hi.” He said. “Hi.” I said back. “Do you need help getting shown around the school?” He asked. “No. Well I don’t know.” I said. “I will help you out.” He said. “You do not have.” I said. “Yes. I do. What class‘s do you have?” He asked me. “All the stupid one’s.” Some girl I did not know said. “To be exact I have Physical education. Math. Social Studies‘. And Science.” I said. “Oh all of the same as Jake’s Class‘s.” The girl said. “Yeah and I will show her where they are to.” Jake said. “Well you guy’s are already friend’s. So I will for today.” She said walking me to class. “I am Selena.” She said. “I am Moonlight.” I said. “Cool.” Said Selena. “I have something to ask you. If you do not mind?” Asked Selena. “Okay.” Replied Moonlight. “What is with you and Jake?” She asked. “Nothing he just came to my house.” I said. “Why did he go to you house?” Selena asked me. “I don’t know.” I said. She kept getting closer to me so my back was on the wall. “What ever you do. Stay away from him. Because he is mine.” She told me. I wanted to escape but Selena took my am and pushed me to the floor. “Stay away.” Selena told me. Then she left having a smile on her face. I got up and ran down the hall of locker’s to find a place to hide and cry. I finally did. In a corner. Then Jake came to the corner. “Stay away from me.” I yelled. “What is going on?” Jake asked. “Your girlfriend is what is going on.” I said. “I do not have one.” He said. “Selena say’s she is.” I said. “Well she is not.” Jake said. “I am not going to be making any friend’s for now on including you.” I said. “What did I ever do to you?” he asked. “I just got pushed to the ground and yelled at because you were talking to me.” I said. “Sorry. I just wanted to know if you would go out with me?” Jake asked. “Sorry. I have to go find my class. Bye.” Moonlight said. Jake followed me back to class still wanting to go out with me. I just didn’t know if I just hurt his feeling’s. I took my car home with people following me. And when I walked threw the door. I saw him standing there for me. I was thinking. “How did he get in.” Because mom and dad are not home. “Hey.” He said. “Do you have a problem with following girl’s you have a crush on?” I asked. Then he bent over to kiss me. “Does that make you want to date me know?” Jake asked. “Yes. I will.” I answered. That was the most romantic thing someone ever did to me. So of course I wanted to got out with him now. He kissed me again to say thanks I guess. We sat down explaining how our life’s were before we met. He did not believe that I played Basketball. And I did not believe that every girl actually did want to date him. And we both just laughed. I figured out that he actually did want to date me. Not Selena.

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