The end.

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Chapter 21.

                   Three and a half months later.

                             I was upset that I still hadn’t told Jake yet. But I didn’t him to get stressed out at work and think that he had to come home to take care of me. But I didn’t want him to get mad because I didn’t tell him. I decided I would phone him and see if he had landed yet. After a couple of rings he answered. “Hey. How are you?” Jake asked. ‘I’m doing good. But we really need to talk.” I said. “Is it bad?” Jake asked. “No. I’m pregnant.” I said. There was a long pause. ‘That’s fantastic. How long are you?” Jake asked. “Three and a half months.” I said. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Jake asked. “Because I didn’t want you to worry you. And now I feel like you’re mad because of that. I was worried that you were going to leave me.” I said. “I’m not going to leave you. But you should’ve told me before. And I have a surprise for you.” Jake said. “What?” I asked. “I’m coming home tomorrow. They want me to take some time off. And they said that you should be more close to me. So I get to come home. But I want to know more details.” Jake said. “I don’t know much. I’m perfectly healthy and so is the baby. But I’m only in my first trimester.” I said. “ok. Well I have to go get my things ready. I will call you when I land. Love you.” Jake said. ‘Love you to.” I said while Jake hung up his phone. Now that went better then I expected.

“I can’t believe your home!” I said. “I know. I missed you.” Jake said.” I missed you to. How are you?” I asked. “I’m great. Now that I get to see you.” Jake said. I was literally jumping up and down in the air. But Jake just laughed instead of telling me that I looked like a total idiot.

When we got home Jake and I sat on the couch and we both fell asleep. I think it was because of all the excitement but I have no idea.

A few months later.

I was looking down at my little baby girl named. “Sally.” She was the spitting image of Jake and I thought she was perfect. Now I have all I wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2012 ⏰

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