The date.

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Chapter 4.

My mom and dad came home. “What are you two doing here at 5:30?” Mom asked. “Jake is going to take me out for dinner. If that is ok with you both?” I asked. Hoping they would let us go. “It is fine with me.” Dad said. “Go and have some fun on your date.” Mom said. “Ok. Bye.” I said. We left the house and drove off in Jake’s yellow Camaro. “I am glad your parent’s said that you could go with me.” Jake said. “Same. Where are we going?” I asked. “It is a surprise.” Jake said. “Oh.” I said. We drove right up a hill. We then got out We were actually going to be having dinner in flower’s. Looking over the city. It was so beautiful. He had his arm around me. After that we went home. And he kissed me good night. Then I headed up to my room. The next day I met Jake by the door of my locker. “Hey.” I said. “Hey.” Jake said. “I will not be walking around with you.” I said. “Why?” He asked. “Because Selena will get mad and I do not want her to push me to the ground. Again.” I explained. “Who care’s what she think’s about you?” He asked me. “I do.” I said. “Why? You are beautiful, kind and not a mean person like her.” He said. Just before bending down to kiss me. “You know what?” I asked. “What?” He asked back. “I am going to walk with you. Who Care’s?” I asked. “Not me.” He said. Then he grabbed my hand. And we walked down the hall together. Selena saw and I gave her the glare. And so did Jake. So she decided to leave us alone. The bell rang. So Jake and I walked to class together. And sat next to each other. We then hung out all day. Until lunch when I could not find Jake. And that’s when Selena saw that Jake was not with me. So she came over. “Hey.” She said. “What do you want? To bite my head off again? Because I am dating your crush?” I asked. “No. I will not bite you head off again. I just want to talk.” She said. “Ok. Go ahead.” I said. “So we can talk?” She asked. “Yes. Now come on.” I said. “Sorry.” She said. “Why are you apologizing?” I asked. “I don’t know. But any way. Do you really like Jake?” Asked Selena. “Ok. If this is going to be you trying to be in my relationship. Then leave me alone.” I said. “No. I just want to know.” She said. “Yes. I do. And if you also want to know. He asked me out. And was a gentle man about it.” I explained. “Ok. Thanks. And would you be mad?” She asked. “About?” I asked. “If you broke up. And I went out with him?” Selena wondered. “No. because it is his choice. If he would want to go out with you. Or not. So do not ask me.” I replied. “Ok. Thank you. Again. Bye.” She said. “Your welcome. And bye.” I said. “Hey.” Jake said. Coming up behind me. To give me a hug. “Hey.” I said. “What was that all about?” He asked. “She thought it was a good idea to bite my head off. Again.” I replied. “Is it about you and me?” He asked. “Yes.” I said. “What did she say? Or am I not a loud to know.” He asked. “You are.” I replied. “So?” He asked. “Well. You have to promise me that you will not go to her. Ok?” I asked. “I will not. I swear.” He said. “Well. She said “Would you be mad? If I went out with Jake? Like after you break up. And she asked if I really liked you. I replied. “Yes. I do.” And I asked if Selena was tying to get in our relationship. And she said. “No.” But like I believe that.” I said. “She just like’s me. But I hate her.” Said Jake. “Well?” I asked. “Well. What?” Jake asked. “Nothing.” I said. “Do not get any idea’s. I like you. Not her.” Jake exclaimed. “I know. It is just that. Never mind. I got to go.” I said. I ran off to my locker. Because we were out side at the time. “Moonlight.” Jake called after me. But I ignored him. Right when I got to my locker the bell rang. I got my thing’s and went to class. But when I was half way Jake looked at me and put his hand’s up in the air like he was confused. I looked down and kept walking. And that is when I felt a hand on me pulling me around. And I realized it was Jake. Before he could say any thing I said “Let go of me.” An that is when I ran to class. I sat down in my desk. Selena came up in front of me and said “I feel sorry for you. Bad break up’s can hurt.” “Class take your seat’s.” Mr. Johnny yelled. Jake stared at me all of class. And when the bell rang to leave. I ran straight out the door. And got my stuff from my locker. Got straight into my car. And drove straight home. When I got home. My mom and dad were still at work so I locked the door. And ran up to my room. And locked that as well. I was in my room staring at my blank computer. I was wondering what would happen if my mom and dad found out that I was in a fight with Jake. It was making me totally confused. After a few hours home alone. There was a knock on the front door. So I ran down the stair’s. And looked threw the peep hole. And saw that Jake was standing right there. Hopefully he did not see me. Because I did not want to talk to him right now. I leaned my back against the door. Thinking. “What should I do? I am so nervous.” I was hoping to go back to my room when Jake said. “Hey. I can see you. Open the door. Right now.” He sounded pretty stern. I was glad that we had a chain lock. On our door. So we can not open the door all the way. “Hey. What the hell is going on? I am so confused right now.” Jake said. “Nothing. Just go away.” I said. “Why? I am so confused with this. You not talking to me. And me feeling like I did something wrong. But I have no idea what I did.” Jake said. “You didn’t do anything I just had some thought’s. That weren’t very nice. To think about.” I said. “But why did you not tell me?” He asked. “I have to go. Study. And please don’t tell anyone about this. I feel bad enough as it is. With people following me. Home every night.” I said. “Who does that?” He asked. “Everybody at school.” I said. “Why would they do that?” He asked. “Because I was dating you.” I replied. “What do you mean was?” He asked. Confused. “I am sorry. But I can’t date you any more.” I said. I shut the door. And leaned on it. And I had a feeling he was standing there to. I looked out the window. And he was still standing there. And after that he turned around and went into his car. Sat there for a few minute’s and drove away.

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