The accident.

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Chapter 9.

“That was a weird day.” I said. Jake moved to town and started school with us. And the teacher brought his pet dog to school. Jake became good friends with Brad. So now he hangs out with us all the time. “It was. Jake moved here. Wait. Wasn’t I right?” Star asked. On our way home. It was only us this time because my other friends were drooling over Jake. Except Brad. He was showing him around town. “Yeah. I guess you were.” I said. “Don’t you love it when I’m right?” She asked. “No. I’m just kidding. It doesn’t bother me.” I said. We walked into the house and I put my bag in my room then went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. “So do you have home work?” Star asked me. “No. You?” I asked. “No. I’m glad. I think all the teachers don’t like me. Because they keep giving us home work.” Star said. “Yeah. Its only my second day. And I’m caught up on what you guys are doing. And I hate half the subjects.” I said. “Wow. You are a smarty pants.” Star said. “Yup. What do you want to do?’ I asked. “I don’t know. Want to take a walk?” She asked. “Sure.” I said. I got my runners on and we left the house to go to the beach cliff. It was really warm out to be spring weather. “Holly. It is nice out today.” I said. “Yeah. To bad we cant go swimming.” She said. “Yeah. I agree.” I said. We sat out on the cliff for a while. Then we went back to the house to find Stars mom and dad waiting for us. “Hey. Can we all talk for a moment?” Stars mom asked. She sounded worry and sad. “Yeah. What’s up mom.” Star said. I sat down on the couch with Star. While her parents sat in the chairs. “Do you to girls know a Jake?” Stars dad asked. “Yeah. I do. What happened?” I said. “Well. Brad and him were crossing the street and the were both hit by a speeding truck. Jake is badly injured and so is Brad.” Stars mom said. “Oh my gosh. Can I go there right now?” I asked. “I’m coming we have to make sure that Brad is ok.” Star said. “Why not Jake?” Stars dad asked. “Moonlight isn’t exactly friends with him. He was from California.” Star said. “Oh. Well girls you got to hurry.” Stars mom said. We rushed to my car and hopped in. I drove as fast as I could to the Hospital. But stayed on the speed limit. I was worried about Jake and Brad. Brad more because he was like my brother. I pulled into parking and ran into the Hospital. “Is Jake and Brad in?” I asked. “Yes in intensive care. Are you friends or family?” The lady behind the desk asked. “Yes. I’m their best friend. Brad is like my brother.” I said. “Go on in.” The lady said. While the big doors opened. We rushed in and I found Brad in room 01. I walked in. He looked bad. I walked over with Star and we both held his hands. His one eye was slightly opened but the other was stuck shut. “Hi.“ I said. He had a slight scratched up smile. We didn’t talk much but we stayed in there for probably over an hour. Then I walked next door with Star to find Jake. He was even worse. Broken leg, arm, and rib. He was asleep but still talked to him and then we left because he had to take his medicine. I was very worried about Jake he was in critical condition. Brad I was worried about but he wasn’t that bad. I drove home and when we got there it was dinner. So we ate dinner quietly then I went to bed. I thought about Jake and Brad all night but when I woke up the next morning my cell was buzzing. I looked at who it was and it was Brad.

“Hey. Can u get me home work? I wont b at school.”

I replied. “Yeah.” I walked down stairs and found Star eating a grabbed a bowl of cereal and then we drove to school in my car. “Hey. How did you sleep?” I asked. “Pretty good. I was worried about Brad though.” Star replied. “Is he like your boyfriend?” I asked. “Yeah. We actually started dating after you left. I’m sorry I forgot to tell you.” Star said. “It’s fine. He texted me asking to pick up home work.” I said. “Ok. I will make sure we get that to him after school.” Star said. “Sounds good. I’m going to drive to the Hospital after school to visit them. You can come if you want.” I said. “Sure. Lets get to school or were going to be late and in big trouble.” Star said. My phone buzzed once again.

“Hey. I’m getting out of the Hospital in an hour. Mom is going 2 come pick u and Star up at school. And she will let the Principal know. But still bring work. Thanks. Love u guys.” Brad said in his message. “Hey. We don’t have to go to class. “Brad’s mom is picking us up and taking us to his house because he is out in an hour. But we have to get him work before then.” I said. Jumping into my car. “I’m so glad he’s ok. And now we don’t have to do work. You get our work and I’ll get Brad’s and then we will meet at the office in an hour.” Star said. “Sounds good.”

I said. I parked the car at the school and got out. Star and I ran into the school so we wouldn’t let Brad’s mom wait long for us. I got our work and then went to the office. I waited around five minutes and then Star showed up and Brad’s mom Claire came in. “Hey girls. You can go wait in the car Brad’s in there. And I will talk to the Principal to discuss that you girls will be out of school for today.” Claire said. “Ok. Thanks Claire.” I said. Star and I walked out of the school and found Claire’s car in the first parking spot. When we were outside of the car Brad opened his door. “Hey. How are you two and my beautiful girlfriend?” Brad asked. “Great.” I said. While Star bent down and gave Brad a big kiss on the lips. I sat down in the back of the car while Brad and Star pulled away from each other. “I was so worried about you. And I was glad Moonlight was here so we could talk but I’m not letting you get hurt like that again.” Star said. Getting into the back beside me and behind Brad’s seat. “I’m fine I was only in the Hospital for a day. But I’m still in pain. Also how’s Jake?” Brad asked. Looking at me. “I don’t know. He is pretty badly hurt from the looks of it but I’m going to go see him later.” I said. “Oh. You know before he passed out all he kept saying was. “I love you Moonlight.” Brad said. “No. I guess that really means he wasn’t dating Selena and he didn’t want me to get hurt.” I said. “He never wanted to hurt you. He just ell in love with a beautiful girl and didn’t know what to do.” Brad said. Claire hopped into the car and said. “Ready to go?” “Yes mom.” Brad said. We drove to Brad’s house in complete silence and all the kept running threw my head is what Brad told me what Jake said. I definitely needed to talk to Jake when he was awake again. We pulled into the drive and Star helped Brad into his room. The last time I was at this place was a week before I moved away. I went into the house and asked Claire. “Do you mind if I borrow your car and go see Jake at the Hospital? I have to ask him something.” “Yeah. Just don’t get a scratch on it.” Claire said. “I won’t. I swear.” I said. I ran out of the house and into Claire’s car. I hopped in and drove to the Hospital.

When I got to the Hospital I went to Jake’s room and found that he was awake talking to someone I didn’t want to talk to.

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