Getting hurt. But getting another boyfriend.

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Chapter 11.

“How are you feeling?” I asked leaning against the couch looking at Jake waking up. He slept so peacefully. I had stayed over at Jake’s house once he got home from the Hospital because I was worried about him falling or not deciding to eat. So when we got there I put him on the couch and he fell asleep like right away. “I’m feeling better. Can you come here.” Jake asked wanting me to go closer to his head. I knelt down beside him and he gave me a light kiss on the lips. “Do you need me to go get something for the pain?” I asked. “No. I am just so glad you’re here.” Jake said sitting up. I sat beside him on the couch and he put his arm around me. “I love you.” I said. “I love you to. Why aren’t you planning the wedding?” Jake asked. I let out a slight giggle. “I didn’t know I was supposed to start right away.” I said. “Yeah. I want to get married as soon as you want.” Jake said. “Me to. Well I’m going to go run to the store get some books. You stay here.” I said. “I don’t think I can go very far.” Jake said. “Bye.” I said. “bye.” Jake said. I got into the car and the first person I called was Star. “Hello?” Star asked. “Hey. I have to go but I need you to meet me at the wedding dress shop ASAP.” I said. “Ok.” Star said while I hung up the phone. I pulled into the store parking lot and saw Star’s car parked so I parked beside it. I got into the store and Star rushed over asking. “Why are we here? What happened?” “Jake purposed and he wants to get married as soon as possible.” I said. “Are you serious?” Star asked. “Yeah. I walked Selena was there and he told her to leave and then he apologized and then he’s like I have something for you. And it happened. I was felt happy.” I said. “Well lets go then.” Star said. We both laughed. We stayed at the dress shop for over two hours and I picked out the dress. It was a strap less dress with a sequined top just until the waist and then it broke out in to ruffles at the bottom. It was such a beautiful dress. I drove home and saw that Jake wasn’t on the couch but I heard voices in the kitchen so I walked in and saw Selena sitting holding Jake’s hand. “I’m so sorry I let you go. Please come back to me.” Selena said. “I can’t. I’m about to get married to someone I love.” Jake said. Selena started crying. “But I love you. And I want you to love me back like old times.” Selena said. “I love you to and I want things to be like old times. But I still want to get married.” Jake said. “You can just forget about her and you can come marry me. We can run off together.” Selena said. She leaned forward and Jake and her starting kissing passionately. “What the hell.” I said. Jake looked back. “Hey honey.” Jake said. “Don’t you dare call me that. Our wedding and relationship even as friends is off.” I yelled crying while I started running out of the house. “Moonlight I’m sorry.” Jake yelled after me. “Look she is now gone. She looked upset when she walked in.” Selena said. “You knew she was there?” Jake asked. “Yeah. And that’s when I said to leave.” Selena said. I ran down the street and called Star. When she answered I said. “Star come get me. I’m on Jakes street.” “I’m on my way.” Star said. She hung up and ten minutes later she was driving up alongside the road. I got in and she asked. “What happened?” “He was kissing Selena after she asked to leave me and run away with her.” I said. I was still crying so I grabbed a Kleenex from the box that was underneath my seat. “So you two aren’t getting married?” Star asked. “Nope and I’m not seeing him again. If he is at school tomorrow I’m going to ditch. And if Him and Selena are staying here I want to move back.” I said. “I don’t want you to leave.” Star said. “I know I don’t either but I keep getting hurt. And I am tired of it. He should know better but he is just stupid. He doesn’t understand that he keeps hurting me. I thought he actually cared about me but in guess not.” I said. We pulled into Star’s driveway and I went up to my room to fin Brad. “Hey. Come here.” He said standing up from my bed. I ran over to him and he gave me a big hug and kissed me on the top of my head. Brad was the greatest guy friend I have ever had. “I love you. You’re the best.” I said. (Best friend love.) “I love you to. And do you want to tell me what happened?” Brad asked. I told him the entire story and he kept giving me a hug. Why couldn’t all guys be like Brad? He was so sweet. After I told Brad what happened there was a knock on the front door. Star went to answer it while Brad and I stayed in my room. “Sorry she isn’t here.” I heard Star say. There was some more talking and then I heard the door close and Star come running up the stairs. “It was Jake. He was looking for you but I said that you weren’t here.” Star said walking into my room. “Thanks.” I said. “I just texted him asking if he was going to be moving here with Selena and going to our school and he said they were still staying but you have to stay here Moon. (Nickname.)” Brad said. “Why? There is no point of me staying here and getting hurt. Nobody likes me and that’s ok.” I said. “You don’t know that people don’t love you. There could a zillion people out there that want to marry you.” Star said. “And we will take care of you and make sure you don’t get hurt.” Brad said. “Thanks. I love you guys.” I said. “And we love you to.” Brad and Star said at the exact same time. Then we were in a big group hug. I was going to go to school because my friends would make sure I wouldn’t get hurt or they would make sure Jake wouldn’t go near me.

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