Star moving in and babysitting

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Chapter 16.

“Hey.” Jake said. When I walked into the kitchen to find his mom drinking coffee and him making French toast. “Hey. Morning Maggie.” I said pulling up a chair and sitting beside her. “Morning.” Maggie said. I knew who she was because I met her at school a few times when I was hanging out with Jake. “How did you sleep?” Jake asked. “Good. You?” I asked. “Good.” Jake asked. “What’s the plan for today?” Maggie asked. “I’m going to probably head back home. Say goodbye to my friends.” I said. I grabbed a plate from Jake and ate my French toast. “I can drive you home when your done breakfast.” Jake said. “Thanks. I’m going to call Star first. And see if their actually heading home today.” I said. “Ok. And what happens if Brad is still there?” Jake asked. “I stay in town al day.” I said. “You can stay here. And we can hang out.” Jake said “It’s ok. I already came yesterday. I don’t want to barge in on family time.” I said. “Oh you won’t sweetie. I’m going to go to work and Jake will probably be a lone all day so you can stay.” Maggie said. “Are you sure?” I asked. “Positive.” She replied. “Ok. Then your staying here if he is staying.” Jake said. “Fine.” I said. “Well I have to go. I will see you later and Moonlight. You can stay as long as you want.” Maggie said. “Thanks. Bye.” I said. “Have a good day mom.” Jake said. Jake kissed him on the cheek and then Maggie left for work. I put my plate into the sink and headed up stairs to grab my phone. I got it of the bed side table and headed back down stairs after I changed back into my clothes. I dialled Star’s number at sat at the dining table. “Hello?” Star answered after three rings. “Hey. How’s it going?” I asked. “Moon. Where the hell are you?” Star asked. “I’m at Jake’s house.” I said. “Why are you there?” Star asked. “He offered me to stay here because I didn’t wan to go back to the house and face Brad and no we didn’t if you were wondering.” I said. Jake gave me a funny look. “I was just going t ask. Ad Brad left yesterday after you two got a divorce.” Star said. “How did you know about that?” I asked. “Brad told me. And when are you coming back? We are going to leave soon.” Star said. “I’m on my way.” I said. “Ok. Bye.” Star said. I hung up the phone. “What do you mean we didn’t?” Jake asked after I put my phone down. “She wanted to know if we had…” I said. “Ok.” Jake said interrupting me. “Can you drive me home?” I asked. “Where’s Brad?” Jake asked. “He left after the divorce yesterday and Star is leaving soon. So I need to go.” I said. “Ok.” Jake said. I followed him to his car and we drove to my house. When we got there Star was putting her stuff into a cab. Once Jake stopped I jumped out of the car and ran to Star. I gave her a big hg and asked. “Do you really have to leave?” “I can’t live here I have no money to buy a place.” Star said. “You can live in my house until the end of grade twelve.” I said. “I’ll have to ask my mom.” Star said. She pulled pout her phone and dialled her mom’s number. Jake came and stood beside me. “Let’s go inside.” Jake said. “Ok.” I said. We walked inside and sat on the couch while Star hung up the phone. “Mom said yes.” Star said. We broke out squealing. “Let’s go get your stuff.” I said. We went out to the cab brought her stuff back into her room and paid the cab. “I can’t believe you get to stay” I said. When we went back outside and sat on the lawn with Jake. “I know. When do I start school?” Star asked. “Well when you went to get your stuff I called my mom and she is on the way to the school. So you start fresh on Monday.” I said. “Does that mean your staying?” Jake asked. “Yeah.” I said. “I have to get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jake said getting up and heading to his car. I ran up in front of him before he got into his car and I gave him a hug. “Thank you. For everything. And what do you mean you‘ll see me tomorrow?” I asked.. Jake put his arms around me. “No problem. And tomorrow Kylie want’s us to watch the kids all day if you want to.” Jake said. “Ok. Can you pick me up?” I asked. “Yeah. You better be ready at seven because they will be dropped off at eight.” Jake said. “I will.” I said. While Jake got into his car. ‘Cal me if you just want to talk.” Jake said. “Ok. I will call you later.” I said. “Sounds good.” Jake said pulling away from the curb and driving down the street. I sat down next to Star again. “It seems like you two are great friends.” Star said. “I wouldn’t say great but we are good friends and I’m glad.” I said. “What’s happening tomorrow?” Star asked. “I’m babysitting with Jake.” I said. I explained the whole story about last night and how I thought Jake was so great with his nieces. “Oh. That is so cute. It would be so cool to meet them.” Star said. “Maybe you will one day.” I said. We sat lying down staring at the clouds for an hour until I felt a bunch of people lie down beside us. I looked up and saw Garth beside Star, Jake beside me, and Claire and Duke beside him. “All the couples are here.” Garth said. ‘Oh. Jake and I aren’t a couple.” I said. “Well you two should try.” Garth said. “We have.” I said. “Doesn’t mean you can’t try again.” Duke said. “Thanks man.” Garth said. “No problem.” Duke said. “I looked to Jake who was looking at me. “Do you want to try again?” I asked. “Only if you want to.” Jake said. “Ok.” I said. “It’s official. We are all couples. And Jake and Moon are now dating again.” Star said. All of us bursted out laughing. I didn’t get how it was funny but all I knew is we were laughing about it for fie minutes.

Around five o’clock I decided to go in and make dinner. I made some burgers and Jake came I and took them out to the barbeque. I made a salad and went up stairs to put my bathing suit on underneath my shirt and shorts because I was going to go for a swim after dinner. But the sucky thing was I couldn’t because of my cast. I walked back down stairs and found that some burgers were ready I grabbed two and sat on the back lawn and ate. Jae cam an sat beside me and ate his burgers. “Are they good?” Jake asked. When I finished mine. “Very. Thank you.” I said. “I’m glad you like them.” Jake said. “Can I ask you something?” I asked. “You can ask me anything.” Jake said. “Where’s your dad?” I asked. “My dad left after Casey died.” Jake said. “I’m so sorry.” I said. “It’s ok. I miss them but it was his choice.” Jake said. “Come on let’s go get the dishes done.” I said. Getting up and walking into the house.

Jake and I finished the dishes and we were all sitting outside. I went down to the end of the lawn and sat down by myself. “What are you doing out here alone?” A voice asked from behind me. I knew it was Jake’s. “I’m just thinking.” I said. When Jake came up and stood beside me. “About Brad?” Jake asked. “About everything.” I said. ‘Want to talk about it?” Jake asked. “Why do boy’s have to be so mean?” I asked. “Are you implying me? Or boy’s in general?” Jake asked. “In general and you are sweet when you aren’t around Selena. But it’s like you date a guy for like not even thirty seconds. He proposes, you get married, and when you get back from the honey moon he act’s like he controls you.” I said. Jake put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder while we stared at the lake. “He was trying to protect you. Like I’m going to do.” Jake said. “Thank you. You are so sweet.” I said. “Thanks. And no problem.” Jake said. “We should go in. it’s getting cold out here.” I said. Jake and I got up and went into the house and sat on the couch where Claire was sitting on Duke’s lap. And Star was sitting on the floor holding Garth’s hand. They were all talking until Jake and I sat on the couch. “Hey. Where did you two run off to?” Star asked. “We were just sitting by the lake.” I said. “How does your foot feel?” Claire asked. “Like someone took a sledge hammer to it.” I said. “Ouch. I’ll go get some ice.” Jake said. He cam back a few seconds later with and ice pack with a towel wrapped around it. “Thanks.” I said. After he put it under my foot. I lied down and put my head in Jake’s lap as we watched T.V. Jake stroked my hair for a bit until I got up and said. “I’m going to go to bed. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” I said. We all said our good nights and Jake helped me up the stairs. I crawled into bed after I changed into the bathroom. “Night.” Jake said. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “I’ll pick you up at seven.” I said. “Ok.” I said. I didn’t fall start asleep because I was thinking about Jake and his farther leaving.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. I got out of bed and got ready. When I was done doing that I went down stairs to find Star sitting there. “Morning.” I said. “Good morning. How did you sleep? And how’s the foot?” Star asked. “My foot hurts and I slept pretty good. You?” I asked grabbing an apple. “I slept good. Garth left after midnight and so did Duke and Claire.” Star said. “Oh.” I said. I looked at the time and it was five until seven. “Jake’s going to be here soon.” I said. “Ok. Have fun today.” Star said just as the doorbell rang. I opened the door and gave Jake a big hug. “Hey beautiful. Are you ready?” Jake asked. “Hey. Yeah. Are you?” I asked. “Definitely.” Jake said. “Hey Jake.” Star said walking in to where we were standing. “Hey Star. How’s it going?” Jake asked. “Pretty good. You?” Star asked. “Good. But we have to get going the girls will be here soon.” Jake said. “Bye.” I said. “Bye.” Star said back while walking up the stairs to her room. I locked the house door and hobbled my way to Jake’s car. He put my crutches in the back sit and then got in. We drove to his house and by the time we got there it was seven thirty. “Oh. Did you want to come to Kylie’s tonight?” Jake asked. “Sure. What time?” I asked. “When they phone us she want’s us to go drop the kids off.” Jake said. “Sounds good. But what are we going to do while we wait for them to arrive?” I asked. “We could watch T.V.” Jake said leading me to the couch. We sat down and watched T.V or a bit until we heard the doorbell ring. “I’ll get it.” Jake said. “Hello.” Jake said opening the door and Kylie walked in with the girls in her arms. “Hey.” Kylie said walking in. she came ad sat beside me on the couch. “Hey Moon. How are you? And I don’t think asked but how did you hurt your leg?” Kylie asked. “I bashed it on a wall on my honey moon. Because I got scared. And I’m good. You?” I asked. “Good. And that must suck. I think Scar has missed you.” Kylie said. I grabbed Scar out of her hands and put her o my good leg. “Yeah it does suck. But I get it off in a week and a half.” I said. “Well that’s good. I have to run. You two have fun and I will call you when I get off work.” Kylie said. “Ok. See you later sis.” Jake said. While Kylie gave me a hug and left. Charlotte jumped off the couch and said. Uncle up.” Reaching up his arms. Jake lifted her up and sat beside me.

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