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Chapter 20.

“Hey Charlotte. Do you want to play outside?” I asked after coming downstairs from getting dressed. Jake wasn’t home because he went to go look for a job and both Kenny and Kylie were at work. So I was babysitting. “Yeah. Can we go for a walk?” Charlotte asked. “Sure. Let’s go get your shoes on.” I said. I put Char’s shoes on and then I grabbed Scar and put he’s on. I found the stroller outside the door and put he girls in it. We walked down to the park and I noticed that Casey was there b herself. I walked closer and realized that she was crying. “Hey Case. What’s wrong?” I asked. “I don’t know. Blaze isn’t talking to me. I don’t even know what I did.” Casey said. “Why don’t you ask him why he is ma. And you will figure it out.” I said. “Do you think it will work?” Casey asked. “I’m sure it will. Now call him and ask to meet you here.” I said. “Ok.” Casey said. She took out her phone from her hoodie pocket and talked on the phone. When she came off she said. “He’s coming.” Casey said. I saw that she looked a lot happier because she knew that she was going to know what happened. If anything actually did.

I played with the babies while Casey and Blaze talked and when it was around five I got a phone call. “Hello.” I said while answering it. “Hey. I got a job.” The person said and I knew it was Jake. “Really? That’s great.” I said. “Kind of.” Jake said. “What do you mean?” I asked. “I mean that I have to leave for a month to Alaska. I am going home to get my stuff and I am out of here.” Jake said. “But that’s what you wanted.” I said. “I know. But I didn’t want to leave you.” Jake said. “I understand. I will come meet you at the Airport in ten minutes.” I said taking the girls back to the stroller and I waved back to Casey. “Ok. See you soon.” Jake said. I was happy for Jake but I definitely didn’t want him to leave. I went home quickly and got the girls into the car and drove off to the Airport.

When I got to the Airport I got to the line and saw Jake looking around I ran over to him with the stroller. When I reached him I ran and jumped and wrapped my legs around is waist and he held my waist so I wouldn’t fall. “I love you so much.” I said. “I love you to.” Jake said and he gave me a big kiss. I guess I started crying because Jake said. “Please don’t cry. I will be back as soon as I can. I swear.” Jake said. “I know. But I will miss you. And what if something bad happens?” I asked. “Nothing will. And if something does. I will be on the first plane back here.” Jake said. “Call me every day.” I said. Jake put me down and he walked up a little to the ticket lady. “I will. And if I don’t you can get mad at me.” Jake said he handed is ticket and the lady said that I had to say. “Good bye.” And I gave Jake a last kiss while he walked away. I wiped away my tears and when I didn’t see Jake anymore I walked out to the car and drove home.

I got home and I saw a strange car parked in the driveway. I went into the house to see Brad. “You are not welcome here.” I said. “That’s a nice way to greet your friend.” Brad said. “You aren’t my friend after what you said to me. You think you can come in her and say that I am. Now get out before I call Kylie and say that you broke in.” I said. “I wanted to know where Jake was. Because I actually came to see him.” Brad said. “He isn’t here. Now leave.” I said. “Ok.” Brad said while walking out the front door. I sat down and called Kylie. “Hey.” Kylie said. “Hey. Brad was here. I walked into the house and he was sitting on the couch.” I said. “How did he get in?” Kylie asked. “I don’t know.” I said. “Why does it sound like your crying?” Kylie asked. “Jake left to Alaska for a month.” I said. “I know. But he will be back as soon as you know it.” Kylie said. “I feel like he has been gone for a long time already.” I said. “Yeah. But that is because you guys just started dating a week ago.” Kylie said. “I know. But I love him. And he is the only guy that is there for me. Besides Garth, Kenny, and Duke.” I said. “True. Well I have to go. I will be home soon with some dinner.” Kylie said. “Bye.” I said while hanging up the phone. I got the kids into their pajamas and watched T.V on the couch. I hated how Jake was gone and now Brad is back. So that I felt even worse.

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