Big fights and a date.

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Chapter 19.

“These cookies are delicious.” I said eating a cookie that was fresh out of the oven. “Thanks Moon.” Casey said sitting down beside me at the kitchen table. The doorbell rang and while Casey got up to put the next batch of cookies in the oven I went to go answer the door. It was Jake. “Hey. What are you doing here?” I asked. “I came to pick up Case. Sorry I’m so late. And what smells so good?” Jake asked. “The girls were making cookies. And It’s fine that you are late. They had fun.” I said. Jake walked to the kitchen with me and saw that there was cookies on the counter so he grabbed one and starting eating as Casey turned around. “Hey.” Casey said. “Are you ready to go see dad?” Jake asked. “Yeah.” Casey said. She ran out and out on her shoes and Jake and I followed her an Jake said. “I will be back later to drop her off and then I will come pick her up on the way back from the hospital.” “Ok. Love you.” I said. “Love you to.” Jake said. Jake and Casey walked out of the house and I went back into the kitchen to find Star just finishing cleaning up. “Do you want to do something?” I asked. “Sure. What do you want to do?” Star asked. “I don’t know. Do you want to call up the friends and have a big slumber party?” I asked. “Sure. I got the girls you get the guys.” Star said. “Sounds good.” I said. I went up to my room and called all my guy friends and the were all able to come including Brad which I wasn’t happy about very much because we haven’t talked but he said that he was in town and he was going to stop by. I went back downstairs and found Star just hanging u the phone. “So? How did you make out?” Star asked. “All the guys are coming. And it seems that Brad is in town. So he is going to stop by. You?” I asked. “All the girls are coming. So we better go shopping and then they said four. What time are the guys coming?” Star asked. “They’re coming at two thirty. And it’s twelve now. So we have some time.” I said. Star and I walked out the door and Star drove to the store so we could get some food.

“What time is it now?” Star asked when we were just pulling into the drive way. “It is two.” I said. I grabbed some bags and looped them around my wrist and pout them on the kitchen floor and started to put stuff away while Star kept bringing stuff in. “Wow. How much did we buy?” I asked. It seemed like we bought a whole lot more then we needed. But my parents always give me money to get food in case their not home. And this was one of those times. ‘I don’t know. But you guys were running out of food. And we had money so we could go.” Star said.

When we were done putting the food away it was just around two twenty so we sat on the couch until Duke and Claire walked into the living room. My friends never knocked because we would know if it was them and we trusted them. “Hey.” I said. “Hey.” Duke said. “How are you doing?” Claire asked. ‘I’m doing good. How about you guys/” I asked. ‘Good.” Duke said. “Pretty good. I’m excited about this whole sleepover thing.” Claire said. “Same. I thought why don’t we have a sleepover. We are almost graduated and we would be moving on with our life’s and we wouldn’t get to hang out as much.” I said. “I’m glad you guys could come.” Star said. “Hey.” Garth said walking into the room and giving Star a light kiss. ‘Hey. When were you invited?” I asked jokingly. “Well. You invited me. Unless you take it back. And it’s an all girl party.” Garth said looking at Duke. “Hey man. Be nice.” Duke said. “No. you were invited.” I said just as Brad walked in and everybody went silent. “Hey.” Brad said. “Hey.” We all said at the same time. “Ho’s it going?” Star asked. “Pretty good. You guys?” Brad asked. “Good.” Claire, Duke Garth. And Star said. Brad looked at me. “I’m fine. Thanks.” I said. We al sat down. Claire, Duke and I on the couch. Star and Garth on the love seat and Brad in a lounging chair. Before Jake arrived the guys started playing jokes on the girls and then Duke asked. “Hey Brad. Any girlfriends yet?” “Yeah. She is back home now.” Brad said. I was upset that he had a girlfriend and he didn’t tell me/ but he didn’t know about me and Jake. “Where does she live?” Claire asked. ‘In Chicago. I had to come here for a work thing. She came for a couple days. But left this morning.” Brad said. “I see.” Star said as Jake came in and gave me a light kiss on the lips. “Hey.” I said. ‘Hey. I have surprise for you. Can you come outside with me?” Jake asked. I grabbed my crutches and we walked outside and I saw Casey and Kylie standing there. “Hey. What are you guys doing here?” I asked. “Well we were wondering if we could join the party.” Casey said. “She wouldn’t leave me alone.” Jake whispered into my ear. “Yeah. Come on in.” I said. We sat down and everybody looked at Casey. “Hey. They are joining in with us.” I said. “Sweet.” Garth said. Claire and Duke sat on the floor and Jake and I sat beside Kylie on the couch while Casey sat on Jake’s lap. “Who’s’ this?” Brad asked. “This is Casey my little sister and this is Kylie my older sister.” Jake said. “Nice to et you. And are you and Jake dating?” Brad asked looking at me. “Yeah.” I said. “Oh. That’s cool.” Brad said looking sad. But he had a girlfriend to. So he couldn’t get pissed at me for having a boyfriend. “Yup. How long have you had a girlfriend?” I asked. “Since a couple days after you and I got a divorce.” Brad said. I grabbed my crutches and went outside at that moment. I still didn’t like when people talked about my divorce it was ok when I told Kylie and Casey. But he just had to bring it up tonight when I was trying to forget about everything. I sat down on the porch steps. I sat down and put my head in my hands. I heard the back door open and someone sit beside me. I looked up to see Kylie and Casey sitting on either side of me. “Was that Brad.” Casey asked. I nodded. “Why are you sitting out here?” Kylie asked. “I thought that tonight I could forget about what happened and then he had to bring it up. And I’m still trying to get over it. It has almost been a week.” I said. Jake, Duke and Garth came outside an sat on the porch steps as well. “Where’s Brad?” I asked. ‘He left after you came out here.” Duke said. “Oh. I cam out here because I got uncomfortable.” I said. “So you can tell them what’s going on. But you can’t tell your best friend.” Brad said. Coming and standing in front of me. “Brad you don’t understand. I tried to forget what happened and talk to you. But I was still uncomfortable. So don’t get mad at them.” I said. ‘They aren’t even your friends.” Brad said. “Excuse me. They have been better friends then what you have been to me for the last couple of weeks.,” I said. “They haven’t known you as long as I have.” Brad said. “So. That doesn’t mean anything. A true friend is someone that is there for you and they care about you. When we were married you always protected me and it get’s to be a bother after awhile.” I said. “So. That’s because I didn’t want to see you get hurt.” Brad said. “Well Jake doesn’t always hover me and he doesn’t say you can’t do that or say that I can’t go certain places.” I said. “I let you go to the store.” Brad said. “Yeah. That on time. Jake let’s me do whatever I want. So if you are going to stay here then I’m going to leave because so far this slumber party sucks. So what is it going to be?” I asked. “I’m leaving.” Brad said. I watched Brad leave and Duke, Garth and Kylie took Casey to go back inside and Jake sat beside me on the steps. “What the hell did do wrong?” I asked. “Nothing. He came in here and brought up something that you didn’t want to talk about.” Jake said. “I know. But know he hates me and he won’t come back.” I said. “You don’t know that. But lets go have some fn. And you can forget about what happened.” Jake said. I nodded and we went back inside to hear that the song. “I’m sexy and I know it.” Was playing. “Really? Does it have to be this song?” I asked. “This is a great song.” Star said dancing with Garth. And I saw that Duke and Claire were dancing together as well. Jake switched the song and it switched to. “Scary monsters and nice sprites.” By Skrillex. I loved that song. ‘Thank you.” I said to Jake and we all started dancing. I had to dance with my crutches though. But I couldn’t see Kylie or Casey anywhere so I went up stairs and saw them sitting talking at the top of the steps. “Hey. Why aren’t you guys dancing?” I asked. “I was just talking to Casey about boys.” Kylie said. ‘What’s up?” I asked. “I like a guy and I want to ask him out.” Casey said. “So? Why don’t you?” I asked. “Because Willow likes him to.” Casey said. “Casey is she dating him?” I asked. “No. but I don’t want to hurt your feelings.” Casey said. I sat on the step underneath them. “If you have a crush on this guy ask him out. If you want why don’t you call him right now and invite him over an then you guys can go outside and then ask him.” I said. “Do you think he would want to come?” Casey said. “Yes. Now please phone him.” I said. Casey pulled out her cell and called him. “Hey Blaze. I was wondering if you wanted to come over to Moon’s house because she is having a big slumber party. Casey said. “Yeah there s guys.” Casey said. “Ok. See you in a few minutes.” Casey said. She hung up the phone and gave Kylie and I both a hug and said. ‘Thank you.” I went back downstairs and Jake asked. “What was that about?” “You sister need advice.” I said. He nodded like he understood what I meant. A few minutes later the doorbell ran and I went to go answer it. Blaze was standing at the door. “Hey Moon. How’s it going?” Blaze asked. “Pretty good. You?” I asked. ‘I’m good. Is Casey here?” laze asked just as Casey came running down the stairs. She had a little mini black skirt on and I white v-neck shirt and her hair was curled. I also think she was wearing a little bit of eyeliner and eye shadow. “Hey Blaze. What’s up?” Casey asked. “Nothing much. You?” Blaze asked. “Nothing. Come on in.” Casey said and Blaze put his stuff at the front door where everyone else’s stuff was. “Do you want me to show you around?” Casey asked. ‘Sure.” Blaze said. They walked upstairs and then I went to talk to Jake. “Why is Blaze here?” Jake asked. “That’s your sister’s crush.” I said. ‘Oh.” Jake said. “Are you mad?” I asked. “No. I’m glad my sister is going to get her first boyfriend.” Jake said. “This is her first?” I asked. “Yeah. She has talked to me about guys stuff and she would have been jumping around the house saying she has one but she hasn’t.” Jake said. Casey and Blaze cam back downstairs and then walked outside and I saw them walk down to the beach and sit on the sand and start talking. “So? What else are we going to do?” Jake asked. I looked at the time and it was five so I guess we could start on dinner. “I’m going to get some burgers ready and I will see if the kids want hot-dogs instead.” I said. “Are we barbequing them?” Jake asked. “Sure. Do you want to do that?” I asked. “Sounds good.” Jake said. I got up and went outside and yelled. “Hot-dogs or hamburger?” “Hamburgers.” Casey and Blaze said at the same time. I went into the kitchen and told Jake and he grabbed a pack of burgers and we went onto the porch and Star, Duke, Claire, Kylie, and Garth came out and sat on the porch chairs as well. “It’s so nice out here.” Claire said. “I know. I can’t wait until I get my cast off next weekend. Then I can go swimming.” I said. “We should all come and see you get it taken off and then we can all go swimming.” Kylie said. “That would be so cool.” I said. Casey came and grabbed Kylie and my hands because we were sitting beside each other and took us into the house with Blaze staying outside and asking Jake something she closed the door and said. “I didn’t ask him out. He asked me.” Casey said. “Well that’s good.” Kylie said. “Yeah. Thanks for letting me walk down to the beach. And I still told him how I felt so I think that gave him an idea.” Casey said. “Good job.” I said. And we went back outside. Casey and Blaze went onto the tire swing and I sat back down and Jake came to stand by me. “So?” Jake asked. “He asked her.” I said. “Good for them.” Jake said. “That’s exactly what I said.” Kylie said.

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