The wedding.

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Chapter 13.

I was so nervous when I woke up. It was the day before the wedding we got ready al week and tonight was the rehearsal dinner. If it was like this today it would probably be so worse tomorrow. “Hey. Are you ok?” Brad asked walking into my room and sitting on the edge of my bed beside me. So much happened this week my parents both had to go on business trips and they couldn’t cancel so Brad’s dad would be walking me down the aisle and they would miss my entire wedding. I felt very upset about that and I was usually crying myself to sleep because all I wanted was for tomorrow to be perfect. But now it doesn’t seem so perfect now because my parents were going to miss my entire day. And now that Brad was getting more furious because of stress we were having a lo of fights. “Hey. Yeah I’m ok. Just a little nervous.” I said. “I hope your not having cold feet.” Brad said. “No. I just want these next couple days to be perfect but they won’t be because my parents won’t be here.” I said. “It will be perfect no matter what. I will make sure you have a fantastic day.” Brad said. “Thank you. And this is why I love you.” I said. “I love you to.” Brad said. “Can we go down stairs and hang out today without worrying about tonight?” I asked. “Sure. It will just yours and my day.” Brad said. “Ok. Let’s go get some food.” I said. “I ant to take you out this morning for breakfast.” Brad said. “Ok. I just want to find Star and make sure that she is going to be to here by herself with Garth all day.” I said. “All right.” Brad said. We walked down stairs and we saw Star and Garth holding hands and laughing. “Um.” I said. “Oh. Hi.” Star said jumping up from her seat and walked over to where I was standing. “I was just making sure you would be ok home alone with Garth for the day. But it seems like you two will be fine.” I said. “Can I talk to you for a second?” Star asked. “Yeah.” I said. We walked out into the front yard. “Spill.” I said. “Well last night after you went to bed Garth and I stayed up and once the movie was over we locked eye contact and all of a sudden he kissed me and we talked until like midnight. But it just seems like we already know each other from when we always hung out with Brad and Garth. And now it’s like were dating and I don’t know if we are or not.” Star said. “That is so cute. And why don’t you two talk about it while Brad and I are out.” I said. “You are the best.” Star said. “I know. But thanks.” I said. “Well. You should go and have fun.” Star said. “Thanks. I will see you later. Bye.” I said. “Bye.” Star said. I went inside and Brad was in the kitchen talking to Garth. I walked in and Brad asked. “Hey. Are you ready?” “Yeah. You?” I asked. “Yup. Lets go.” He said. We walked out and Brad drove to the diner that we ate at when he first came up here and we started dating. “Why are we here?” I asked. “Because this is the spot that we practically had our first date.” Brad said. “You are so sweet.” I said giving Brad a light kiss on the lips. We walked into the diner and ate some French toast. “This has been the best start of my day.” I said. “’m glad you think so because it is just getting better.” Brad said. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Your going to have to wait and see.” Brad said. “Fine.” I said. We walked out hand in hand and then we drove all the way to the mall and into the jewellery store. “Why are we here?” I asked. “Because you are special to me and you can pick out anything that you want and I will pay for it.” Brad said. He looked at me all serious and I walked over to the necklace section and the first thing I saw caught my eye. It was two necklaces that a guy and a girl would wear. They were to hearts that were both have of one and it had a magnet so when you put them together they would make a full heart. I thought it was beautiful and just the greatest thing for Brad and I. “I love these two. Can I get them for you and me?” I asked. Staring at Brad. “I guess. How much for the necklaces?” Brad asked the sales clerk. “One thousand for the set.” The lady said. “Are you sure you can afford this?” I asked. “Yes. Anything else?” Brad asked. We looked around for a bit longer and I didn’t find anything else that caught my eye. So we decided to pick up some Subway for lunch and for Garth and Star and then we headed home. When we got home Garth and Star were sitting on the couch cuddling together. “Hey. How was shopping?” Star asked. “Great. We got you guys lunch.” I said. “Really?” Garth asked. “Yeah. Come in the kitchen and get it.” Brad said. They came in the kitchen to eat and we all sat at the table talking about the wedding even though I didn’t want to get nervous about it. So once I finished my lunch I went and locked myself in my room. Today was the last day of me not being married. So I wanted to be alone. A spent around a half an hour in m room until Brad came up and knocked on the door. “Can I come in?” He asked. “I guess.” I said. Getting up and unlocking the door. “Hey. What’s going on done stairs?” I asked. “Well Garth and Star are flirting like crazy. But I wanted to know why you left. Are you feeling ok?” Brad asked. “I’m feeling fine. Its just that today is the last day of me being unmarried and I just wanted to have some me time.” I said. “Oh. I will go back down stairs and let you be until you want to come back down.” Brad said. “No. It’s ok. I don’t mind if you stay but with the other two it will be like oh my gosh we are actually dating.” I said. We both laughed a little bit. “True. I won’t bother you though.” Brad said. “Oh. Don’t worry about it.” I said. Patting beside me on the bed so he could sit by me. He sat down and grabbed my hand. “Are you excited?” He asked. “Yeah. I am also a little nervous but it will be ok.” I said. “Well you better start to get ready because we have to go in an hour.” Brad said. Getting up from his seat. “What am I supposed to wear?” I asked. “There is something in your closet for you.” Brad said leaving my room. I walked over to my walk in closet and opened the big doors. It was a big closet with shelves for ever shoe and racks for every clothing item. I looked around until I saw a box sitting on a little table. I walked over to it and read the card.

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