Forgetting Brad and forgiving Jake

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Chapter 14.

“What the hell do you want?” I asked. “I want to know why you didn’t invite your best friend to your wedding?” Jake asked. I felt my friends come up behind me. Duke said. “Get out of here man. If you weren’t invited then you shouldn’t even be here.” “Answer my question.” Jake yelled at me. “You aren’t my best friend. And I didn’t invite you because I didn’t want you here.” I said. “Why not?” Jake asked. “Because you hurt me. You proposed to me then you start kissing Selena in my house. After I went wedding shopping. You also promised that you wouldn’t hurt me, let me go, and you would always love me forever. That’s why. So leave.” I said. With tears flowing out of my eyes. “Fine. But you realize I still love you.” Jake said. “No you don’t because you never would have hurt me. I would have to trust you before I could believe that.” I said. “Then. When you get back we can talk.” Jake said. “Fine. Meet at the diner. On July thirtieth. In a week.” I said. “That’s when you get back?” Jake asked. “Yes. Now please leave.” I said. I walked back to the wedding and found Brad. “We need to talk. Now.” I said. “Ok.” Brad said. We walked into the house and sat on the couch. “What’s wrong?” Brad asked. “Jake was here. He apologized. I didn’t believe him but when we get back. Jake and I are going to talk about it.” I said. “Is he still here?” Brad asked. “No. I asked him to leave.” I said. “Did he hurt you?” Brad asked. “No. we just argued. But I was still my friends so he didn’t lay a hand on me.” I said. “ok. Let’s get back to the wedding.” Brad said. “Your not mad. Because I’m going to talk to him?” I asked. “No. You’re my wife. You can do what you want. And I’m glad you two can talk about what happened.” Brad said. ‘Thank you.” I said. We walked back to the wedding and it seemed like everyone was dancing. “Everyone dinner will be starting. So you can make your way to the buffet.” Claire said. I grabbed some food and sat beside Brad and ate. The entire wedding party was at our table and all the other guests were sitting in front of us looking our way.

After dinner the speeches started. First it was Brad. “Moon. The first time I saw you in Kindergarten I said. “This girl is going to be my best friend.” We have been friends ever since. Threw the years I have started to have feelings for you but I didn’t know what to do about them. I was always worrying about you and wanted to make sure that you would never get hurt. A couple weeks ago my feelings got to strong for you after you moved and now here we are getting married. I promise to love you forever, make sure you are never hurt, and I will make sure I will never let you go. I love you Moon.” I was so teary in that speech and when he sat back down I gave him a light kiss and said. “I love you to.” “Next up Moon.” Claire said. I headed up too the stage and when I got up there I looked right at Brad. “Brad. The moment we became friends I was glad I had someone to take care of me. If I got hurt on the playground you were always there to make sure it wasn’t serious. This last couple years I thought who I was going to marry. The top five are. Jake, Adam Lavine, Ryan Kessler, Zac Efron. That one was from grade eight. And the last one you. And this one is actually true because here we are getting married. I am so glad to have you in my life and I will never let someone as special as you go. Thanks for being there and being the sweetest guy. I love you.” Once I was down I walked to my sit and Brad gave me a kiss. “Next is the Maid of Honour. Star.” Claire said. “Hey guys. Today is the big day. You two are my best friends we have been in every class together we have never left each others sides and we have never been in a fight. Moon you have been the person I could tell all my secrets to. You are always there for me and you have been the most supportive fried that I could ever have. Thanks for being there. I love you. Brad we have been forever friends. You have always took care of us. I love you. And take care of her.” “Next is the best man Garth. “You guys have been the greatest friends since I can remember. Brad every time Star was away you always got worried about her. I knew from the day we met that you had something for you and she had something for you. Threw the years you guys have had your relationships but the never worked out. And this one has because here we are. You two getting married. You guys are the best couple. And I love you guys. Stay together forever.”

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