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She'll be in range soon. I only have one chance of taking Queen Eleara down. Two fighting silvers stand in between me and the jet. A long thin blade cuts through Ara's neck, spilling silver blood. Ptolemus spins with the momentum directing through her, at me. It happens so quickly and painlessly. Shade appears behind me and grabs me. The world spins and we are back at the jet. Once we land Farley grabs Shade and hugs him tight. "Fly"shouts Kilorn. The jet takes off leaving the massacre behind.  "I was so worried about you." Farley whispers so quietly that only shade could hear. They let go and face a still Mare. I stood there not hearing what was going on. but staring at the needle like sword protruding from my chest. I am so numb with shock that I don't feel it. The numbness took over my whole body, I couldn't move or hear what was going . Shade's voice snaps me back to the real world though I wish it didn't because pain came with being in the real world.. "Mare, we did it. We're safe now. Mare, are you okay?"  shades voice started off happy and relieved but quickly became concerned. He obviously doesn't see what I see so I carefully turn around, trying not to move the blade.  I don't remember much after that. It all felt like a dream. The thing I do remember is the pain.

Sorry for such a short chapter, the rest will be longer ones. Also sorry if I spell names wrong I listen to the audio book, If I do get a name wrong feel free to comment and I will fix it. Hope you enjoy!

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