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The day had been a long one. We started off by visiting the Barrow family. It had taken 5 minutes of pep-talk for Mare to even knock. I don't blame her though. Her and her family have a weird relationship. Mare also feels responsible for putting her family in danger but as much as it pains me to say it I don't feel too bad. He at least had a family who loved her, heck she still had family. The last of mine want me head. The reunion was sweet. Mare's mother cried at the sight of her alive daughter. She welcomed us in. We entered and everyone was staring dumbfounded at the crippled little lightning girl. Gisa was the first to stand and she approached her sister as if she were a wild animal. Mare had motioned for a hug and Gisa began to cry. Their hug was the start of a million hugs from almost every one  of her family members and even more tears. I stood in the corner watching. I didnt want to over step my boundaries. The only one who did not greet the injured member was Shade. He stood in the door frame of what looked like a bedroom. His arms were crossed and his face hung low. I've come to the conclusion that feeling guilty for something you didn't do runs in the family. The family went to the couch and was there for hours. They talked and cried and talked more. Shade didn't participate in any of it. He just stood there. No one had acknowledge me but that was more than fine. My past encounters with the family was not pleasent so staying out of it was the best choice. 

  We finally left after Mare's stomach let out an embarrassingly loud growl. She hadn't eat anything since dinner the night before and it was getting close to lunch. The walk had resumed its silence. The mess hall was a strange experience. Mare insisted we would eat there, when I told her she should eat in her room. As always she won so we ate in the mess hall. As we walked through the crowd of eating shoulders I noticed that they treated Mare with much more respect than usual. A few soldiers saluted to Mare, others offered to help her with her food. They even let us cut through the line. Mare and I had exchanged some questioning looks. Neither of us had a clue what was going on. We also got a table to ourselves, which was stupid because the base barely had enough seats as is so to leave at least eight seats open was dumb. Soldiers sat on the floor or leaned against the wall. The brunch was kinda peaceful and no one bugged us. Mare only ate a few spoonful of the morning hash browns. She still couldn't eat much but every bite counts. 

Lunch was fairly short but work was just beginning.Mare had the crazy idea that she needed to talk to the new bloods. It does need to be done but not right now. I am not agreeing with her about it though. We have argued enough in one day and she may be weak but she can still cause some damage. We meet up with Farley and headed to the new blood wing. Mare and Farley talked the whole time. Farley mostly talked, she filled Mare in as much as possible. The three of us had visited kid after kid. Each time was either they wanted nothing to do with the scarlet guard and tried to kill me or they adored Mare and would give up their lives right then and there if she asked.  I quickly grew annoyed and bored. Thankfully I got kicked out. Mare was getting impatient with me and I also made the kids nervous or angry. I left and returned to my room. I lay on my cot now just waiting. Too much had happened today. I am done. All I want to do is sleep. 


 I stand back at the prison. The battle is coming to an end thankfully. The air is thick with smoke, dust and blood. So much blood. Both red and silver stain practically everything. I am fighting a silver guard who once protected me but now is doing the complete opposite. The scarlet guard fight beside me. We seem to be winning but I am not certain. I slash the mans face and silver blood splatters on  my chin. He is shocked but still fighting. I then kick him in the chest knocking the wind out of him and probably breaking a few ribs. He falls to the floor gasping. Shade is now flashing through the fight. He appears empty handed but disappears with an armful of  scarlet guard. He does this until only him and I remain. "Oh little lightning girl, it is quite cute that you believe you will win this war." My stomach drops at the relization. Mare is here as well but she is not alone, Elara is here too. I turn to see Mareless than 10 feet away and Elara stands at the end of the hall. Mare stands strong, lightning crawling up and down every inches of her body. "Mare!" I need to help. She turns her head. She was not aware of my presence and looks scared. The lightning dims the slightest bit. "Oh look at that. It seems that the little lightning girl cares for the exhaled prince. How sweet, but when will you learned foolish girl, love hurts."  With that my body goes stiff, I loose control over everything. Against my wishes I walk towards Mare. I now  stand a foot away from Mare. She is so close but at this moment I want to be as far away from her as possible. Mare looks scared and her lightning is nothing more than a memory. She stares at me trying to read my intentions. Her eyes travel down and caught sight of something terrifying, Mare's eyes grow wide and her breathing becomes rapid. I follow her gaze as best as I can. I can't move my head but I still caught sight of what scared her. I hold in my hand a beautiful, long, thin blade that I didn't have a moment ago. I think I have seen this blade before but I didn't have have time to contemplate it. My arm rises and plunges the blade so fast that I don't have time to fight back. Mare stands stunned and in her chest sits the once beautiful blade. She collapses to the ground with a thud. I still can't move, I fight to cradle her but all I am free to do is cry. I then feel a cold, boney hand grasp my shoulder. "Tiberias, I must say you are getting quit good at killing. Maybe I should of  used you to get to the throne instead on my pathetic son. At  least you know to put your heart aside in a war but no you already had the throne, it would of been too easy. You would of made a nice assasin though, seeing how well you have done killing Mare and your father."  I regain my body and swing a flaming fist towards the wretched queen. As my fist hits her, it glides right through her without so much as a scratch. Elara smiles widely at me and with of a blink of an eye is gone. I stand staring at an empty hall when I hear a sob. I remember what happened before Elara and turn to run to Mare. I am now  20 yards away  from her and I don't know how I got so far away but that is not important, I need to get to Mare. Shade is on his knees cradling is dead sister. "You killed her! This is all your fault! I hope your happy now! This is what you wanted all along! You're just like your brother, no, your worse than that!" Shade's words hit like bullets and I physically bleed from them. I try to run faster but I feel as if I was running in molaces. I look down trying to see why I was  running so slow but my eyes caught a horrific sight. The bodies that litter the floor now cling around my legs. Red and silver soldiers grasp my legs with the last of their strength. I see faces that were here in the prison but I also see the faces of people i had kill outside the prison. They repeate what shade had said a moment ago. It's making my head spin. I look up and the entire scarlet guard stands behind shade. They hold guns pointed towards me. Shade holds the sword I killed Mare with. It is now spotless and beautiful once again. He holds it out in front of him. "Attack!" Shade and the guard start rushing towards me.


I bolt awake, I lay in a lake of sweat and my breathes are short. This was one of the worst nightmares I have had. The scariest part was that Mare wasn't Mare. She is never looks that scared. I'm sure she has felt that scared but she is better at hiding her emotion. She also was scared of me. She's is never scared of me, is she? Or has she and I just missed it. My Mare would of also faught back or at least tried to talk me out of my actions. She just stood there quiet and accepting, as if she knew this would happen. That blade though, I know know why it looked so familiar. It was Ptolemus's blade. I get up shakely and retrieve the horrid blade from under the cot. I stand and observe it. The blade was the excat same as the one in the dream. Only difference is this on is crusted over in blood. Mare's blood. Unexpectedly the door swings open to revial a silhouette, "Cal?". 

A/N: Sorry this is sooo long and weird. Was in a weird mood and this was the result. I promise Mare will be the next chapter and it will be updated soon. Hope you enjoy! 

(P.S. I had a thought, do you think Cal has ever roasted a marshmallow over his own fire? Do you think Mare and Cal have made s'mores together? Wouldn't it be cute if they got into small fights and sometimes Cal will bring Mare a marshmallow as a peace offering and then she roasts it and they are happy again?) 

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