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I walk done the hall replaying our confrontation over in my mind. The wall I'm dragging my hand on is the only solid thing at the moment. Frustration has consumed me, over Cal, this mission, my life, this damn wound that seems to be healing at a snails pace. I need away and to be by myself. 


This bitch again. I turn glaring at her. Farley is the last person I want to see at this moment. But I have some anger left might as well have another fight. Apparently I'm going for a new record of seeing how many people i can have an agreement with. Well so be it. 

"Why weren't you at the new blood wing this morning. That was an order and shockingly you disobeyed it. "

"I had more important things to do."

"Is that so? What could be so important to abandon those poor people?" 

"Oh you know, trying to figure out who the hell thought they could keep me from fighting in the ambush on Maven in four weeks."

My glare burns into her and I hope she feels every bit of it. 

"Cal broke quicker than I thought he would."

"I don't need Cal to be my spy. I can do my own spying thank you very much. I am fighting in this war and you can't stop me!"

"You Barrow's have stubbornness running through your veins."

"You think this is a joke?"

"No, but one of us has to keep their cool in this pointless argument. Grow up Mare and realize we are on your side. We are also trying to keep your ass alive, so be thankful."

I'm gonna explode. I believe if I try hard enough I can actually become an oblivion right now and blow this whole place up. The lights are starting to flicker and Farley doesn't look at all concerned and that makes me want to explode even more!

"You will not be fighting with us Mare. That is an order."

"Your orders mean nothing to me." 

I push past her, trying to escape before I barbecue her. The lighting quivers at my finger tips ready to be released. I start running down the hall ignoring the pain in my side. I get outside and get far enough so I won't hurt anyone and let go. I let my lightning go where ever it pleases. The sky darkens matching exactly how I feel. Lightning strikes anywhere and every where, singeing everything in sight. The lights in the base are probably going haywire but I couldn't careless. Let them go out.  I don't stop til I start seeing double of the world and my knees grow week. My wound hurts and my vomit proves how much of an overload that release was.  I crawl to a non singed part of grass and just lay there looking at the sky. Just like me the sky clears of its power leaving a nice shade of blue behind it. The numbness has now taken over thankfully. I'm tired of feeling. I'm just tired. I want to just lay here forever and never hear of another war or crooked king or revelation. I miss what was. Was it easy, no but it was normal. The stilts, Gisa having all the attention, Kiloran's awful comebacks. If non of this would of happened, I wouldn't have known Cal. My Cal. Or non of us would have know that shade was alive and well. My brothers wouldn't be home safe with my family. Shade. I am more thankful for him than he will ever know. Looking back on the day at the prison I  am grateful I took the hit. I can't imagine losing him to the hands of Ptolemus. If I could redo it all knowing what i know now I don't know what I would choose.

Authors Note: Look at me go! I am a writing machine! Don't get used to it though. I don't know how long this is going to last. I hope you all enjoy!!

Before you go i had another though and it made me smile. Do you think when the Barrow children were young, like mare being 6 young do you think her and her brothers would have snowball fights? or in the summer play with sticks as if they were swords or go play in a creek? I don't know i just like imagining them alive and happy!

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