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A/N- okay I know it's been forever but I've been super busy with work and dealing with my writers block. But I have this update for you and hopefully many more to come. COMMENT below what you would like to see happen with this story. As always show the love and drops your comments and likes below 😊 and as always I love you guys and thank you so much to those who have stuck by me in this 💕


Silence. Thats what i got. The halls were silent. The rooms were silent. Everything was silent. It was the middle of the school year and I was the new kid. Unfortunately Aby wasn't here with me today and right now I was wishing nothing more than to see her beautiful face.
"Mrs.jonas?" Oh right. I was daydreaming again.
"Yes Mrs. Adams?" I really hope she doesn't ask me one of those questions just to see if I was paying attention.
"Can you tell me what 98÷37×56√ is?" Fuck. There it is.
" sorry I wa-" then she cut me off.
"Yes I know you weren't paying attention. Again. Stay after class we'll be making a call to your father." I sighed.
"Yes Mrs. Adams"


"Hello? Yea. Really? Yea, no okay I'll be there shortly. Yea thanks" I sighed rubbing my temples and groaned. Alena had been going through this lovely phase lately where she doesn't listen to you at all, and has taken this keen liking to ditching her classes. I grabbed my keys and got in the car driving down to the school. I warned her if this kept happening I was going to punish her and it seems like she just didn't want to listen to me, so when we get home she's got quite the surprise coming. I parked closest to the building and went inside to her classroom knocking on the door.
"Hello? Mrs. Adams?"
I saw an older lady come over to me and shake my hand.
"Ah Mr.jonas please have a seat and join us"
That's not good. I took a deep breath and sighed.
"What'd she do this time?" She smiled kindly at me.
"Well, Mr.jonas I'm afraid she's getting worse she doesn't pay attention in my classes, if she even shows up. She voices her opinion very loudly at times and she's failing her tests. Mr. Jonas. I'm afraid if she doesn't get it together, we'll have to kick her out of the school. This is a place for kids who want to learn, to learn."
"Of course Mrs. Adams. I will talk to Alena as soon as we get home. Thank you so much for talking with me" she nodded and got up walking out of the Room and I glared at Alena knowing she knew exactly what was happening. I was pissed, and stayed silent as we got into the car driving home.
"What the hell are you thinking Alena?! Ditching?? Being late? Mouthing off? I'm tired of the shit Alena, maybe a few days being grounded will help you to think about what you're doing.
"But daddy"
"No Alena. You're grounded until further notice and when we get home since you want to act like a child you'll be treated like one. I want you over my knee within two minutes of when we get home and then you can do your homework on the couch."
The rest of the drive was silent.

Kevin Jonas Daughter (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now