Chapter 10

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i woke up to something tight around my waist, i looked up to see my dad sleeping soundly with his arms protectively around me. he was wearing his favorite PJs which were his striped ones. i sat there for a while just listening to his steady breathing, it always calmed me down. my phone buzzed and i grabbed it and looked at the message and froze when i read it.

it said....

hey you slut guess what? I'm coming for you and your rich family ain't gonna do nothing. better watch out.... 5 seconds ago

i got up and started to pack. who would write such a thing? i was finally finished packing and i took one last look at my phone this time it said...

running away won't protect your family or you.... 2 minutes ago

i let the fresh tears fall as i kissed my dad one last time before i ran.

i will die before anyone touches my family.

A/N-dun dun dunnn. haha don't hate me.

Kevin Jonas Daughter (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now