Chapter 32

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A/N- Thank you to the readers who are still on board with this story. You guys are amazing, I love you so much 💕 anywayyyyss read on :)

Alena's pov

The second the car was stopped I ran inside the house slamming the door to make it known of my irritableness. I could see joe and nick standing in the kitchen looking around trying to figure out what just happened but I didn't care. I knew it would get me in more trouble but I ran upstairs to my bedroom slamming that door as well before locking it and pulling out my phone dialing the number to the only person I wanted to talk to right now.

"Hello? Lena is that you?" Her voice was still just as beautiful as I remember and I smiled.
"Yes darling its me I just really wanted to talk to you before I cant for a while." I frowned into the phone even though she couldn't see me.
"What do you mean cant talk to me for a while? Lena did you get in trouble again? You know I hate when you get in trouble." I swear I could hear her pout through the phone.
"I know but I couldnt help it the teacher pissed me off and then dad-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before my phone was taken from my hand and the call ended. I was too busy admiring my lovers voice I hadnt heard in so long that I didn't even hear my uncle joe picking the lock to my bedroom door.
"Downstairs. Now young lady." I hated when they called me that, and I was about to protest but the glare he was sporting on his face was enough for me to shut my mouth as my feet carried me down the stairs. I turned around looking up at Joe from the bottom of the stairs pleading to him with my eyes that he would help me out of this but he just looked at me and shook his head.

Sorry Alena, you're on your own this time. You've been acting like a brat lately and you know it. Maybe next time you'll think before being so careless with your actions."
I groaned and stomped into the living room. I knew I was being a brat and I knew I was being unfair and disrespectful. Did I care? At the moment, no I did not.
I walked into the living room to see my dad standing in front of the couch with his arms crossed over his chest glaring at me. Is it just me? Or does anyone else feel imtidated and small when your family does that to you when you know you're already in trouble. I sighed walking over to my dad ready to apologize because it only now just sunk in. I'm in deep shit.
"Dad I-" again I was cut off.
"Just don't Alena. I'm not in the mood for your attitude right now."
I stood there with my mouth open shocked. I've heard my dad pissed before but this has got to top it all. It wasn't even his words, it was the tone in his voice. I was shaken out of my thoughts by his next words that made me almost whimper out loud.
"You know the drill. Skirt down and bend over the arm of the couch. I think due to your recent behaviors, 50 should be a fair amount don't you think?"
"Yes daddy" my voice was already wavering and I hated getting spanked but there wasnt anything left for me to do except take the punishment I've earned myself. Mental note: quit acting like such a brat and go to school, correction actually show up to school. Got it.
My thoughts were quickly interrupted by my dads hand coming down on my butt while I hissed slightly squirming in surprise. The fifty were over faster than I thought they would be but by the end of it I was sobbing into the couch desperatly trying to rub my bum in an attempt to relieve the firery burn. I could hear my dad sigh behind me but I didn't know if it was a good sigh or a bad one.

A/N- yes again but next chapter is going to be seriously cute :) just Kevin and Alena making up. More ablena to come as well. Next chapter Will be posted when this one gets 10 votes and 5 comments. Show your love and support down below lovelies :)

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