Headmistress's Call

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters recognizable from the Harry Potter books. They all belong to J.K. Rowling

Chapter 1

Headmaster's Call

"You wanted to meet with me Professor?" asked Harry, sitting in front of the headmaster's desk. The familiarity of Hogwart's corridors was eerie, but still comforting and familiar, even though he hadn't visited the place in a year. He had come back because of a letter sent by Professor Mcgonagall asking him to meet her in her office that day.

"Yes, Potter," She said, "I have some news that may interest you, and that you way want to assist in." Mcgonagall moved aside several rolls of parchment laying on her desk until she found the one she was looking for. "Is this Dursley a relation of yours?" She pushed the parchment across the desk so Harry could see.

He leaned forward. Towards the end of the D names was Daisy Dursley. Harry nodded, not completely surprised. Daisy had shown a few signs that she might be magical. Harry had simply never mentioned it to anyone so that no one would worry – especially Dudley.

"Well then," said Mcgonagall, "Is there anyone you would like to go and tell the family the news, Or would you like to go yourself?"

Harry thought about the problem. Harry rarely saw the Dursleys anymore. Once a year, near Christmas, they would meet for a day so the kids could know each other, but Dudley and he never really spoke. Vernon and Petunia didn't even know about the Christmas meetings as far as Harry knew.

"Who do you usually send out to the Muggle borns?"

"let's see, Professor Longbottom often goes. He understands some of the surprise of being a witch or wizard, you know. I go to the rest of them. I find it quite interesting to see how the parents, especially react."

"Why don't I go with you then?" Harry suggested. He wasn't sure if his presence would be a good thing or a bad thing for Daisy. It would be best not to go alone.

"Alright then, I'll send an owl when I figure out the day and time."

Harry got up. "Nice seeing you Professor."

"And the same to you Potter."

Please review, and give suggestions. Here are the staff appointments I have so far:

Andromeda Tonks – DADA

Flitwick – still Charms even though he's old

Neville Longbottom – Head of Griffindor and Herbology teacher

Padma Boot/patil – Transfiguration

For muggle studies: Hogwarts has changed, they now have some normal classes like English (first year must have) and optional classes of math, science, and foreign languages.

This is my first fanfic, and towards the beginning, I wasn't as detailed or as good a writer as I am now - so please give the story a chance :) Keep going!! It gets better, I promise. 

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