Lily, James, and Albus

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"Mum, I think I see them!" Lily said, tugging on the sleeve of Ginny's dark purple robes. She could just see her dad's scar between the crowds of people.

"Yes, it is them mum, beat you there Al!" James spoke loudly over the crowd, and started pushing between all the walking people to get to his dad. Albus soon followed after him.

Lily walked at normal speed with Ginny at her side.

"Are you excited to see Daisy?"

"Definitely! I'm just a bit worried. She doesn't look very happy from here, and remember Dad said that she didn't want to come at first?"

"I'm sure she'll come 'round."

Then they were right across from each other, and Lily was hugging Daisy, and Daisy, though hesitantly, was smiling. As Lily let go she kept a hold on Daisy's hand. She had a feeling that Daisy needed her support now.

"Where are we going first Dad?" Albus asked.

"Flourish and Blotts, I think. Something that's somewhat normal."

The troop of Potters and Dursleys marched silently down Diagon Alley and into Flourish and Blotts.

"Anything I can help you with Sirs and Misses?" The short stocky shopkeeper asked at the desk. Lily handed over her and Daisy's school lists, and James and Al handed over theirs. They stood and waited for him to bring their books, and Lily looked over at Daisy. She was frowning at a shelf directly behind the desk labeled "Invisible Books of Invisibility."

"Ah, yes," the shopkeeper sighed. "We finally did stumble across those books in the backroom... unfortunately they don't sell well. No one wants a book they can't find."

"Do they become visible when you open them?" Harry asked.

"Why yes, they do. Well, the pages anyway, not the cover."

"I'll buy a copy then. It might be interesting." Lily stared at her dad. What on earth was he thinking, buying a useless invisible book?

As Harry payed for the book, Dudley's face turned red. "I can't let you buy all her stuff Harry, isn't there any way to exchange money so I can pay?"

"Oh! Of course, I forgot," Harry smiled slyly. "We'll stop at Gringotts next, I already got you a vault."


"The one and only – well, used to be one and only* - wizard bank. Run by Goblins, so be forewarned. Don't be scared, they can be unfriendly at times, but they won't hurt you."

"Oh. Ok." Dudley frowned. Lily imagined he was trying to imagine what a goblin might look like. Like the ones from the Lord of the Rings movies perhaps? Lily had watched one over Christmas with the Dursleys. It had greatly amused all of them to see those goblins.

Albus held the door for everyone as they left the bookshop and headed to Gringotts. Lily herself was excited too. This was the year she got her own Gringotts vault just to herself, and although she had little money, it was still an accomplishment.

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