Where to Find Them

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Hi! There is a chapter in this part too, I just wanted to show you the rankings I've gotten on this book. Thanks so much you guys!!!! Earlier I reached #1 for Dudley Dursley (now it's something like #8 or something, but you know. It was at 1). I also have 5.4k reads on this story now!!! I really can't thank you enough! Anyway, on to the actual chapter.

Chapter 28: Where to Find Them

"Poppy, you have another birthday visitor!" Poppy heard her mother call. She sighed. She really just wanted to get started on her painting without anymore interruptions, but apparently, you're not allowed to go undisturbed when it's your birthday.

The only gifts Poppy had really been looking forwards to this year were the set of watercolors her parents had promised to get her, and whatever magical arrangement of trinkets she had thought Daisy was sure to send. So far the watercolors hadn't been in stock, and Poppy hadn't received news from Daisy for weeks. So much for getting what she had wanted. There was always next year's birthday - there was a chance that her parents would get her a mobile phone earlier than they had gotten Daisy one. Now that they knew Poppy might not be able to use it if she went to Hogwarts, maybe Poppy could convince them that she deserved a year of unlimited electronic privileges.

"Hi Poppy!" The visitor said when Poppy arrived at the base of the steps. It was Ginny Potter. Poppy actually managed a genuine smile. In terms of family members, Ginny was one of her favorite. She was a woman Poppy could admire and look up to. She was athletic, famous, beautiful, and still had the brains to outcompete a lot of people Poppy knew. Ginny was all Poppy ever aspired to be.

"Ginny!" the two embraced in a hug before Ginny pulled away.

"I brought you something." Ginny reached into the bag slung over her shoulder and pulled out a book.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," Poppy read aloud. She looked at Ginny. It didn't seem to go along with the other gifts she had received from the Potters. Various sports equipment, art supplies, tickets to the theatre, and... a book? It wasn't even a brand new book. This book's spine was frayed with use, and there was a purple smudge on the cover where someone had spilled something.

Ginny smiled, and shrugged. "I thought you might like drawing from it. It's full of images of magical creatures."

Poppy opened it to a page in which there was an illustration of a rhinoceros-like beast called an Erumpent. She kept flipping through, from drawings, to moving photos. It was amazing, and different from any other book she owned.

"Thanks," she whispered.

"Of course," Ginny said.

"Have you gotten anything from Daisy yet, Poppy?" Anna Dursley asked, joining the conversation by guiding Ginny and Poppy to a place to sit instead of just standing in the hallway.

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